900 Global Inception Pearl
3.5" pin
2.5 oz top
Rt. hand
14-15 mph
PAP 4 9/16 1/4 over
Drilling: 60x4.5x35 OOB surface 1500 polished
Volume 38-41ft
THS, Kegel Challenge Series
900 Global Inception Pearl is a big time aggressive pearl! Drilled mine 60x4.5x35, left it polished and was pleasantly surprised in the amount of overall hook this ball displays. Excellent choice for medium to medium heavy oil. IP wants to rev up and come hard off the spot. Aggressive pearls are hard to find and this one does not disappoint. For my slower style this ball opens up the lane on our house shot. Gives me ton a room to miss right, ball wants to grab and charge back to the pocket off the dry. The mid-lane revving motion allows me to get into heavier oil and not worry about throwing this ball through the breakpoint. Have had quite some success with it; high of 299/778. If you're looking for a pearl that doesn't back down to oil this is your ball!