Rt Hand
Speed 16mph
Revs 370
PAP 4 5/8 3/16th under
Avg 228
Pin to pap 4 1/2
Mb about 1 1/2" Rt of thumb
Pros, easy length, strong pop,
Cons, over under
I went with a stronger layout not knowing what this ball was capable of. Truthfully I get a over under with this ball with OOB cover and the layout. Thats a good sign because I feel that can be blended with some timely surface prep, I just have not taken the time to change the cover yet. (when I get back from Afghan I'll update)
I can play a lot of angles with this ball from down and in, to 4th arrow to about 12 or so. Got a decent look with it on the Cheetah.
I got this rock for broken down THS and tournament play. It fits into my arsenal only sometimes, I bowled well with this ball once during a tournament. It was a 7 game sweeper and I bowled successful with it from games 5-7 and I stayed in the 220-240 with it. The Link has a strong pop to it on the right shot, but I haven't found it too always work mid or later in blocks. My best guess will be about a 1000 grit surface & no polish since it gets easy length.
If you see em lookin while you rollin, then you probably got em in a bracket...