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Author Topic: Network  (Read 17783 times)


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« on: January 21, 2014, 10:02:22 AM »
Ball NPS Score: 100.00
900Global Network Ball Specs:
- Color: Caramel/Gold All colors do vary somewhat from the picture shown.
- Coverstock: XPT74 Pearl
- Core: Composite Flow Technology 2 Core (Asymmetric)
- Factory Finish: NEAT "T" (4,000 Grit)
- Reaction: Strong
- Radius of Gyration (RG): 2.49**
- Differential (Diff): 0.051**
- ** RG and Diff are based off of 15 lb. balls
- Recommended Lane Condition: Medium-Heavy Oil
- A few tiny pit holes in the cover stock of the ball are normal



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Re: Network
« Reply #1 on: January 21, 2014, 04:46:37 PM »

Pin to PAP:4.75"

Dual Angle: 45 x 4.75 x 35

X Hole (if there is one): p2.5 31/32" 2.5" deep


Rev Rate:375

Ball Speed:18.5

PAP/Track:4 5/8" over 5/8" up



Type: (Matte, Polish, Sanded):T pad



Volume:med-med heavy

Type (THS, Sport Pattern etc):THS and modified THS



Back End:10

Overall Hook:9.5

Midlane Read:8


About the Network: The Network is a great ball when looking to get deep and create some angle. The new XPT cover technology creates a totally different type reaction than I have seen from previous releases. This cover creates a similar type midlane reaction that you might see from the classic s70 cover but the backend reaction is far stronger and creates more angle. The Network really shines for me when I am trying to get deeper inside and create some entry angle whether on a medium volume or on burn it creates the entry angle needed to get the corners out. The stronger CFT2 core really keeps it from being sensitive to oil while the cover really retains a strong move and keeps this ball from rolling too soon like many high end releases. The way this ball goes through the pins on the various conditions I have used it on is really impressive. With the 99 for $99 deal 900 Global has it will be impossible to find more ball for less money!! Get one of the 99 before they are all gone, you won't regret it!!!!!


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Re: Network
« Reply #2 on: January 23, 2014, 09:52:47 AM »



Type (THS, Sport Pattern etc):


Likes: entry angles

Dislikes: None


The new NETWORK from 900Global. Since this is the pearl version of the Protical I used he same drilling in the network . Pin above bridge kicked cg slightly right. From the very first ball ball I could tell the difference in lenght and roll of this ball. this ball even though it is a pearl cleared the fronts and started reading the midlane and went into a distinct roll that help me create alot of angles to the pocket. This ball is very easy to read and make adjustments. I am able to move deep with this ball and not lose carry because of the multiple angles you can create. Good friend of mine drilled one up and shot 299-290-248=837 out of the box. This definitly the strongest pearl I have. This is one that you want in your bag. Great job 900 global you definitly have created another great piece of equipment. 900Global is offering the first 99 balls are only $99.00 GET YOURS TODAY


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Re: Network
« Reply #3 on: January 26, 2014, 06:01:33 PM »

Pin Length: 3" - 3.5"

Starting Top Weight: 3oz

Ball Weight: 15.4


Pin to PAP: 5"

MB to PAP:

Pin Buffer:

Dual Angle Layout: 70* x 5" 40*

X Hole (if there is one): None


Ball Speed: 15.5 - 16

PAP/Track: 5-3/8" (right), 11/16" (up)


Grit: OOB

Type: (Matte, Polish, Sanded): NEAT - 'T' Pad (~4,000 Abralon)


Length: 40' - 41'

Volume: Medium, Medium-Heavy

Type (THS, Sport Pattern etc): THS, Modified House


Strongest backend from any ball I have ever thrown! At 70* x 5" x 40* I thought I would see a smooth a complete skid/snap motion, what I got was a decent midlane read with a huge, strong backend reaction. It wasn't anything like I had seen before from a ball. 900 Global has definitely found something really good with the CFT core. For as strong as this ball is, it certainly stores enery and really carries well and keeps the pins low. This reminds me a lot of the Break S75. The Protocol or Eagle Pearl will be an easy step down from this ball. Don't be afraid to use this pearl on some oil. The Network will allow bowlers of all styles to move deeper and open up the lane. Thanks 900 Global for continuing to put out quality equipment.

H. S.
#900Global #StrikingWorldwide #GoGlobal


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Re: Network
« Reply #4 on: January 27, 2014, 10:16:14 AM »



Type (THS, Sport Pattern etc):THS, Shark Pattern


Likes: This ball is flat out awesome! I drilled it with exact same layout as my Protocol, a 5 1/2 inch pin. The Network is 6 or 7 boards stronger than the Protocol. I was able to get in deep inside the oil line and let it rip, it reads the oil well and saves a ton of energy for the back end a great change of angle on the back. I don't think it as core dominant as the Hard Drive however. But I did play deeper because of how strong the cover is. This is a perfect marriage of core to cover for heavy oil conditions that you will find on a lot of THS that will typically lay alot of oil down on the inside of the pattern. The Network will also work well on Shark and other heavy volume sport patterns also, don't let the cover fool you, it will read the oil.  Like I said on my previous review about Protocol, this ball and Protocol are two of the best balls they have made in the last four years. You are really missing the boat if you don't get plugged into The Network!




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Re: Network
« Reply #5 on: January 29, 2014, 08:35:36 PM »

Clean through the heads.  Picks up heavy roll in the mid lane with a very strong move on the back.  Most balls for me that roll heavy in the mid lane are smoother on the the back.  Not the Network, it's strong and continues through the pins with excellent carry.  Put your favorite layout for the ball motion you want, no surprises with this weight block.  If you want to tame the backend down, hit it with an A pad or a E pad if you want it for heavier patterns.  Out of box the rolls great and will cover all but the extreme dry or oily conditions.


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Re: Network
« Reply #6 on: January 30, 2014, 06:12:55 PM »
The Network
OOB finish
3.5" pin
3oz top

Rt hand
14-15 mph
PAP 4 9/16

Drilling 5" from PAP
Dual Angle Layout 60* x 5" 45*
Volume 38-41ft
THS, Kegel Challenge Series

All I can say is WOW!  The Network is something I've haven't seen in years and a 1st in reaction from 900 Global as far as flip.  Extremely aggressive backend on this ball.  Excellent "open up the lane" ball.  Deeper I went the better the ball performed.  Can handle typical league pattern oil with ease.  I saw no squirt in midlane or in carry down after transition.  The has excellent midlane and a booming backend!  I'm talking old school mid 90's snap!!  It's an easy 5 boards stronger than my Black Eagle Pearl or Hard Drive.  Best carries!!  760-290 1st night out and 299-787 2nd night!  Very impressive ball, it turns heads on the lanes.  Cool color scheme helps as well.  A pearl for almost all conditions is a rarity, 900 Global has a winner here.


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Re: Network
« Reply #7 on: January 30, 2014, 11:09:52 PM »
I was really impressed with the Network, this ball reacts nothing like the Protocol it is much stronger and more angular off the spot. I drilled the Network exactly like the Protocol with a 5 x 4 layout and this ball is amazing. This ball keeps the pins low when it hits the pocket, regardless if you get the ball up in the oil pattern or just miss a little too wide outside. Great continuation!!!!! This is a great core and coverstock combination. Only the extreme dry patterns will keep this ball in your bag. And as far as sport patterns are concerned, just use the NEAT finishing system and this ball will be useful on a wide variety of sport patterns. This is one of the most versatile pearls I have seen in a while, this is a must have pearl for everybody’s bag.


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Re: Network
« Reply #8 on: January 31, 2014, 07:58:37 AM »

Pin Length:3in

Starting Top Weight:2.5

Ball Weight:15.2


Pin to PAP:4

CG to PAP:

X Hole (if there is one):on PAP


Rev Rate:

Ball Speed:15

PAP/Track:5 1/4



Type: (Matte, Polish, Sanded):neat t



Volume:med heavy

Type (THS, Sport Pattern etc):THS



Back End:9.5

Overall Hook:8

Midlane Read:7

Breakpoint Shape:snap


Likes:carry on off pocket hits,

Dislikes: watching 4pin fly around 7 pin (lefty) on pocket hits because ball pushes to long on the fresh, and was hoping ball would fit above Byte but is a notch down.

overall not a bad piece just not what was expecting from what others were saying have not seen an aggressive ball push this long in a very long time all though great recovery but pocket hits would result in 7pins most of the time keeps pins low but don't help when 4 is flying around 7. for now will keep in OOB and have it when Byte is to much.
« Last Edit: January 31, 2014, 08:02:13 AM by bowler851 »


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Re: Network
« Reply #9 on: January 31, 2014, 11:23:35 AM »
All I can say is wow!  This ball is a winner, an absolute champion!  The Network gives you a tremendous amount of flexibility in where to play on the lane.  If you want to go up the boards, you can.  If you want to swing the ball, you can do that as well.  It’s almost like the Network knows what to do no matter the condition.  I am really amazed at how strong the motion is when you play close to the ditch.  My favorite line with this ball is straight up 5 or 6 and let it snap in the back ends.  This is also the hardest hitting ball I have had in a long time. 

Now that I have thrown the Network for about 15 games it has given this ball even more versatility.  Now if I tug it a board or two, it just rides clear to the pocket.  I have thrown the Network on both wood and synthetic lanes and have noticed the same motion to it.  It clears the heads very smooth and has a very defined motion off the break point.

If you are looking for a great ball for both league and tournament conditions the Network is the ball for you.  Both the performance and the color of the ball will have your team mates asking what you are throwing!  Don’t miss out on this awesome release from Global!


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Re: Network
« Reply #10 on: February 04, 2014, 04:46:14 PM »
This ball is definitely a must have in the bag! With the new XPT74 coverstock and the denser CFT2 core gives this ball a great read on medium to high oil volume. I laid this ball out with a 5 ½ X 4 X 4 ¼   with my PAP being 5 1/8 right 0 up or down. With this layout the ball roll is amazingly clean and powerful through the entire lane! In medium to high volume this is the ball to have in your hands. The XPT74 coverstock absorbs the volume and the CFT2 core allows the ball to store all its energy until it hits the end of the pattern and blow through racks leaving nothing standing. In comparison to the Protocol the Network will read the lane sooner but not over react. If you want to stay in the game then you need to have the Network in your hands!


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Re: Network
« Reply #11 on: February 05, 2014, 08:36:25 PM »
Who needs Wi-Fi?? You can reach the pocket with the new Network from 900 Global! Clearly will be the best ball in 2014. Many entry angles, and amazing recovery! Just check out the honor scores so far!! A total must have at all the Demo days. Add the popular 74 coverstock to the Protocol core, and what do you get? Power into the pocket, and pin carry that destroys your opponent. Not to mention the color of the Network.. Looks like it belongs on the top shelf at Hershey's Chocolate Factory Store! Pure asymmetrical powerhouse! 7 arrows on a lane..why not be able to cover all of them? Drilled a few up already with instant results. See my videos of 900 Global/AMF products in actions on youtube, username "conventionalspinner"...


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Re: Network
« Reply #12 on: February 06, 2014, 10:40:54 AM »

Pin Length: 4.5"

Starting Top Weight:

Ball Weight: 15.3


Pin to PAP: 5"

Dual Angle: 60x5"x40

X Hole (if there is one):
41/64 x 1 on PAP


Rev Rate:

Ball Speed: 17-19 MPH

PAP/Track: 5 1/4" Over  1" Up



Length: 41'


Type (THS, Sport Pattern etc):


The ball reads very well through the mid lane and has an aggressive motion off the back end.


Likes: This ball thrives in oil. If you need a ball that is going to read the mid-lane easily and still have a huge motion off the backend, the Network is going to be your ball. The farther left I moved the better this ball preformed. Where the other balls that I threw would fade off the back end and not drive through the pins, the Network had a great motion off the back end and drove the pins straight back.




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Re: Network
« Reply #13 on: February 06, 2014, 10:14:09 PM »

Pin Length:2-3

Starting Top Weight:2.75

Ball Weight:14-3

Dual Angle: 45 X 4-1/4" X 75
Pin to PAP:4-1/4"

CG to PAP:

X Hole (if there is one):P3


Rev Rate:300

Ball Speed:16

PAP/Track:4-3/16" Right X 13/16" Up



Type: (Matte, Polish, Sanded):


Length: 41'

Volume: 22 ml

Type (THS, Sport Pattern etc): Modified Stone Street


Length: Medium

Back End:Strong Arc

Overall Hook:

Midlane Read:

Breakpoint Shape: Strong Arc

I really didn't know what to expect with this ball, but I've really liked a lot of 900 Global/AMF balls. I can use this ball all three games, which is something I really haven't been able to do. I have used this ball the past two weeks and my low set is 673 and high of 762 with a 289 and 290 this week. This has to be the most forgiving ball I've ever owned with I don't have to be perfect off my hand and it still rolls great and has awesome carry. The ball reads the mid lane really good and has great continuation through the pins. This ball may have to be pried from my hands!!!

Likes:Everything so far

Dislikes:I only have one!

Bruce Campbell
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« Reply #14 on: February 13, 2014, 07:57:34 PM »
Definite addition to any arsenal

Layout: 55x4 1/2x 25

COMMENTS: I set this gem up to be clean with a strong arc at the spot. X hole on my pap.  To this point the network has more recovery without being violent than I anticipated.  On house as well as sport it reads the lanes well.  Even though it has a big boy intermediate diff it responds well to hand and release position changes. I have not adjusted the cover because oob I have not found this ball to read too early or squirt down lane. 

Likes: Today's world of bowling equipment seems to be balls that are condition specific 900 global and Amf have made some stuff that can be used on a wide variety of patterns- the network holds very true to this statement.  For use on a variety of patterns lower part of heavy oil to mediums.

Dislikes: So far I have not found a single dislike of the network.  If anything, put it away when they get too dry. 

Carl Hurd

Austintown Ohio (Wedgewood Lanes)

900 Global, AMF Staff Bowler

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