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Author Topic: Reality  (Read 26789 times)


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« on: February 11, 2021, 11:02:41 AM »
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The 900Global Reality high-performance bowling ball introduces the solid version of the S84 Response coverstock which offers a powerfully strong reaction even in the heaviest of oil conditions. The Reality contains the Distubance Asymmetric Core which is designed with shape in mind and fills the core space with the least amount of material while still offering the RG and Differential values that bowlers want.

Color: Magenta/Aqua/Midnight Blue
All colors do vary somewhat from the picture shown
Coverstock: S84 Response Solid
Core: Disturbance Asymmetric
Finish: 2000 Abralon
Hook Potential: High
Length: Middle
RG: 2.49 (for 15# ball)
Differential: 0.052 (for 15# ball)
Recommended Lane Condition: Heavy Oil



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Global 900 Reality review by Trevor Roberts
« Reply #1 on: February 11, 2021, 12:09:30 PM »
Lane Condition
Length: 40
Volume: Medium
Type (THS, Sport Pattern etc): THS

If you know me then you know I’m a big fan of symmetrics. It’s pretty rare that I rave over a ball with an asymmetric core but this is one of them! The 900 Global Reality is not a ball that hooks in the front part of the lane and bails down lane. It cleared the fronts with ease and continued through the pins better than most others. I compared the Reality to the Rubicon in my ball review, and the Rubicon picks up a few feet earlier and has an overall more rounded motion. I’m eager to put some shine on the Reality to see how far left I can move with it. It will be a ball that comes out of the bag directly after the Rubicon, RST X1, or Proton Physix depending on which one you have.

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Bowler Stats
Trevor Roberts
2016 PBA Southern Regional Rookie Of The Year
Storm Products / Turbo 2n1 Grips / Bowlifi Staff Member
Right Handed
Rev Rate: 400
Speed: 16
PAP: 5 1/2 up 13/16

Rick K

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Re: Reality
« Reply #2 on: February 19, 2021, 10:00:55 PM »
Reality • Tour Engineered • 900 Series
Coverstock • S84 Response Solid:  Finish • 2000 Grit Abralon
Core • Disturbance Asymmetric
RG • 2.49 Differential • 0.052 Int. Differential •.018
Layout • 45 x 4 x 35
Tester PAP = 4 ½ R x 3/8 D • Tester Axis Tilt = 12° •Testers Rev Rate = 325
Test Pattern = 42’ THS • Modified, Kegel Stone Street

900 Global ignites 2021 with its release of the all new Reality. This new powerhouse is a combination of cutting-edge technology, with its Disturbance core and robust coverstock - the S84 Response Solid. The Reality is a THS bowler’s gem. Let’s take a closer look.
Being more a down-and-in player, I was impressed with how the new Disturbance core delivered. Starting on fresh oil, playing straight and looking ten (second arrow), the core rolled with serious authority yet retained an intense amount of energy that detonated at the pocket! Further, the Disturbance core gave me a strong sense of security. When I leaked a few shots right, it recovered vigorously, kicking out those flat tens. Being a lower rev player, I like how this core “stands up” and maintains a strong continuation through the pins. This Disturbance core is by far a straighter player’s best friend.
Surface for me has become an integral part of front to back ball motion and I couldn’t have asked for a more responsive cover than the S84 Solid on the Reality. The 2000 grit factory surface suited my overall game well, but I felt a bit shaky moving in beyond my comfort zone late in the night. The next night, I tweaked the surface to 1500 and I found my sweet spot with the S84 cover for the pattern. Early on I could play straight up looking at ten (second arrow) and by the third game I felt comfortable and stable at 15 (third arrow) up to 18. I found this cover provides strong traction throughout the lane without losing its potent bite off the pattern no matter where I played!
In closing, 900 Global has done an outstanding job with the all new Reality. This ball is strong yet controllable and it unleashes power where it counts! For a straighter, low rev player like me, the Reality adds conviction to your arsenal! Talk to your local pro-shop operator today. The Reality is worth it!

Rick Klimowicz
Storm Products Pro Shop Staff
Roll the Ball Pro shop
Penndel, Pa

Michael Slatky

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Re: Reality
« Reply #3 on: February 20, 2021, 05:58:33 PM »
900 Global Reality

Coverstock: S84R Solid
Finish: 2000 Grit Abralon
Core: Disturbance Asymmetric 
RG: 2.49
Differential: 0.052
Int Diff: 0.018

Layout: 50 x 3 1/4 x 45
Tester:  PAP 5 1/2 R, 1 1/2 D

The 900 Global Reality offers a focused brand new core design with an aggressive coverstock. This specific design is intended to maximize control with more hook potential then its predecessor the 900 Global Volatility. This ball is definitely the hook monster you are looking for, but with a twist....the Reality will allow you to continue to open the lane up as transition occurs. At times, my Volatility would tend to "quit" and my next ball down wasn't quite enough. The Reality should fill that gap on longer and higher volume patterns.

You should expect a continuous, strong reaction throughout the lane. Also, 900 has kept the Int Diff lower on the Reality to achieve some length down lane so the ball as designed does not "hook at your feet" and "quit". This has been the wow factor of the Reality at recent Storm Matchmaker events.

As previous noted above, the Reality will work best on longer and higher volume patterns.  If your desire is to stay left before and after the lanes transition this ball will not disappoint. If you want the biggest hooking ball on the market today in your bag, this is the one!  Don't hesitate to try out the 900 Global Reality today.

Michael Slatky
900 Global Staff Member
York, PA



Type (THS, Sport Pattern etc):






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Re: Reality
« Reply #4 on: February 23, 2021, 09:10:45 AM »
Reality - Ball Specs
Cover Stock: S84 Response Solid
Finish: 2000 Abralon
Core: Disturbance Asymmetric
Layout: 60 x 5 x 70
RG: 2.49
Differential: 0.052
Intermediate Diff: .018

The Tour Engineered 900 Series all new Reality utilizes the incredibly strong S84 Response solid cover combined with the Disturbance Asymmetric core to give you the strongest ball in the 900 Global line. Yes, I believe its stronger and more versatile than the Volatility. I drilled my Reality pin down and was surprised how clean this high-performance ball was through fronts and how much energy it had down lane. I tested this ball on 44 feet typical house pattern. As a mid to low rev player, I see this ball being my first choice on heavy oil patterns. I was able to play outside five, the track area, and deep inside without any loss of ball reaction or pin carry. This is a great ball for all levels of bowlers. Order one from your local pro shop today! My ball review videos are posted on YouTube channel Stanley Waite.

Stanley Waite
900 Global Staff Member
Dover, DE


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Re: Reality
« Reply #5 on: February 24, 2021, 06:01:10 PM »
Out of the box I loved this ball. Rolled very well. started standing normal 25 then move left as the night went on. threw 15-20 at the arrows and out to 8-10 at the break point. the time went on, YES it got a little lane shine on it...and I like it a little better! I didn't have to move so fast as the night went on. It reacted very nice! Shot a few really nice 700's so far. We know bowling here in Michigan started back up a little bit ago. But the ball is going to stay in my bag for sure!

Kevin Duncan

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Re: Reality
« Reply #6 on: February 24, 2021, 07:27:26 PM »
900 Global RealityLayout: 4.5 X 3.5 X 2 Storm Vector LayoutRev Rate: 325 rpm, 7 degree of axis tilt, 40 degree of axis rotationTesting Information: 41-foot THS (medium volume)Kegel Machine – Brunswick AnvilaneOur first review of a 900 Global ball.  We tested the 900 Global Volatility Torque (an absolute beast) but did not do a review.  I was able to win a senior tournament throwing the Volatility Torque fresh off the press.  The Reality utilizes the S84 Response solid cover with the Disturbance asymmetric core.  The cover and weight block complement each other well.  The Reality was versatile during testing.  The test bowlers were able to play multiple angles with the Reality on the house shot.  I see the Reality as a 1b tournament ball that will be used when the Storm Proton Physix is reading the lanes too soon but the oil is heavy enough that you still need a surface ball.  The Reality carried very well during testing.  Everyone watching the test session said the same thing – “This ball looks like it is going to strike every time going down the lane”.Visit your local Storm VIP Pro Shop to order yours.Continue to bowl up a Storm!#Stormnation  #900Global


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Re: Reality
« Reply #7 on: February 25, 2021, 08:57:50 AM »
Reality Review
Cover: S84 Response Solid
RG: 2.49
PSA: 0.018
PAP: 5 ½ x 1 ½ UP

This is the first 900 Global ball I have ever thrown. I have a difficult time matching up with Asymmetrical balls. I am more of a down and In player with higher ball speeds and a lower rev rate (however recently I have worked on increasing the rev rate and lowering the ball speed) I was really surprised at how much this ball hooked. I really like the ball motion and how strong it is. I drilled this OOB 60 x 3 1/4 x 45. Which puts the pin above my ring finger kicked out to the right. I spend along trying to figure out how to layout this ball and I nailed this one.  I left the cover OOB.  Reality is smooth and predictable with a strong backend motion. It is earlier than the Proton Physix but still picks up well and does not burn up and has strong continuation through the pins. I have a hard time getting Asymmetrical getting through the pins without burning up and getting the right shape. I can move in with this ball and trust the ball will turn the corner. I have found the strong core/cover ball for the longer heavier oil patterns. This ball is a winner!


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900 Global Reality
« Reply #8 on: February 28, 2021, 07:49:12 AM »
Cover Stock: S84 Response Solid
Finish: 2000 Abralon
Core: Disturbance Asymmetric
RG: 2.49
Differential: 0.052
Intermediate Diff: .018

Layout: 40 x 4 7/8 x 15
PAP: 4 7/8 over  3/4" up RH
REVRATE: 300 @ 16mph


Length: 39'

Volume: 10:1

Type (THS, Sport Pattern etc): THS

Can you call it a benchmark ball, I do. First ball out of the bag in leagues and it will show me if I need to ball down. If you can use a word like READABILITY this is the definition of this ball. Drilled with new standard pin up layout I see great skid in front with that READABILITY coming off the pattern.
Strongest ball I have that can be used entirely in one set provided you chase the oil in and depending on the volume. I have as of this review 25+ games bowled on it. No surface change needed just typical lane shine and cleaning after each use.

Being a low rev bowler at my age (58) speed matched, it's a pleasure to be able to use a high flaring ball without the DOA hits. The Reality carry percentage is high as it rolls consistently through the pin deck. The 2000 Abralon cover should take well if needed.

This a ball taylormade for all styles searching for a high flaring ball that only looks good but scores well too.
Visit your local VIP shop and get yours today
12 In A Row @JIB lanes and Custom Thumbz @RVC Maple Lanes

#GoGlobal #StrikingWorldwide #stormnation

« Last Edit: March 01, 2021, 01:36:56 PM by 9orbetter »
Keith Cordy
900 Global Staff Ambassador


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Global Reality Review
« Reply #9 on: February 28, 2021, 09:10:58 PM »
Global Reality Ball Specs:

Cover stock S84 Solid Reactive
Disturbance Core (Asymmetrical)
Color Magenta/Aqua/Midnight Blue
Finish 2000 Sanded

Bowler Specs:
Right Hand. PAP 5” Over 1/2 up
Rev Rate 300. Tilt 20. Rotation 50.
Speed at cameras 15.5

 Since the official embrace of Global into the Storm / Roto family I have had the pleasure to roll a few Global Balls and I have been very happy with each one. The one I seem to use the most in the Global family so far is the Reality. For me, the Reality has everything I like in a ball. It is strong but not too strong. It is versatile, forgiving and rolls well from different angles and the carry is exceptional. I would put this ball between the Roto UFO and Phase 2 or Ordinance C4 in total hook. What surprises me about the Reality is how I can seem to stay with it longer than most sanded Asymmetric reactive balls during a set while making only small moves. Some nights I can use it all three games which does not happen often in our home center. I have so much trust in this ball to shape and hit the way I like that if the lanes are on the oily side I can get the reaction I need. We had this ball at our last Match Maker ball Demo and it was very well received. We have had some Global fans at our shop for a while now but I see the momentum growing for this ball and the Global Brand. I am very happy I can now add Global to my arsenal and I am not sure there is a reaction the combination of these three brands cannot cover.

The Reality is a perfect match of strong and control.
The hit and drive through the pins is excellent.
This is a great ball for league or tournaments.

Glenn Wendel
PBA Member
Storm Pro Shop Staff

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Re: Reality
« Reply #10 on: March 01, 2021, 11:31:47 AM »
The 900 Global Reality might change your perception of what it means to be a strong asymmetric solid. S84-Response Solid (seen in pearl form on the Volatility Torque) wraps the outside with a 2000-grit sanded surface, and the unique Disturbance asymmetric core provides the motor. This ball seems to be very wonderfully balanced for the category - a strong amount of traction in oil (but not too much), defined transition through the hook phase (but not too much), good recovery downlane (but not too much). The fact that this one has seen instant and widespread adoption on the PBA Tour when big money is on the line says quite a bit! If you really like the rolly nature of the Crux series or the Proton PhysiX, this should absolutely merit your consideration!


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Re: Reality
« Reply #11 on: March 01, 2021, 04:26:57 PM »
This Reality is something else. The first solid big ball from 900 Global since switching over to Utah and it DOES NOT disappoint. I'm very pleased with what I see in my THS leagues. The Reality is very forgiving (similar to what we saw in the Flux) but gives me a couple more boards of overall hook. I also have seen since switching from Texas to Utah the cover does not lane shine as fast. I had trouble with my Flux after 9 games on some heavier patterns just get too lane shined and i'd have to put it away. This Reality doesn't has a big pair of snow tires on it. I can't wait to get out and bowl on the weekend on some of the tougher conditions with this rock. I drill mine with a dual angle of 65 x 4.5 x 40, a typical pin over bridge layout for me and my high track. I find myself being able to stay in this ball longer than the Flux and transition into a Volatility Torque with a similar layout or a strong Zen and have no problems keeping up with the lanes. This is the perfect tool I was missing in my bag from 900 Global since the merger with Storm/Roto and I'm very excited to have it now.


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Re: Reality
« Reply #12 on: March 02, 2021, 11:32:24 AM »
900 Global Reality
Layout - 55 x 5 x 30

This ball is crazy strong!  For me I have it between the Proton Physix and the RSTX-1, its the best of both worlds!  It is cleaner thru the front like the X1 but just as much hook as the Proton Physix.  This ball is best used on fresh heavier longer oil patterns!  Speed dominant players - this ball is for you.  This is the biggest baddest 900 Global ball, should be the earlier stronger version of the Volatility Torque.  I think this ball will be thrown quite a bit on tour! 


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« Reply #13 on: March 04, 2021, 01:50:02 PM »
This Ball is is a beast! This ball for being a big asymmetrical dull ball gets through the fronts and has something off the spot. not like typical asyms that will hook early and roll. This ball will be great for high speed players. This is 900global newest and strongest ball and if you're a global fan you won't want to miss out on this Monster! Get to your local pro shop to go get this piece!

Anthony Wiegand Pro Shop Staff


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900 Global Reality
« Reply #14 on: March 08, 2021, 08:53:50 AM »
introducing the brand new hook monster from 900 Global...the Reality! The all new Reality features the S84 Response Solid Reactive Coverstock wrapped around the Disturbance Asymmetric Core!

The Reality is a great ball for heavier lane conditions and, compared to my UFO or Proton PhysiX doesn't change directions as drastically as those 2 but, has more roll throughout the lane than those 2 as well. The Reality definitely has a different shape for the heavier lane conditions and, will fit very well with the UFO and, Proton PhysiX! It is a must in your arsenal!