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Author Topic: The Nuts Pearl  (Read 14996 times)


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The Nuts Pearl
« on: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM »
Ball NPS Score: 100.00
Coverstock: S70 
Color: Black/Silver Pearl 
Finish: NEAT (Natural Engineered Abrasive Technology) T = Visual appeal of compound/polish; performance of 4,000 grit. 
- A few tiny pit holes in the cover stock of the ball are normal 
Core Type: Asymmetric 
RG: 16#-2.534, 15#-2.551, 14#-2.570 
RG: Diff 16#-0.050, 15#-0.050, 14#-0.050 
Description: The "NUTS" Pearl is what you get when you combine a high Rg and high differential core our our pearl S70 coverstock. Couple that with our new "NEAT" finish, and you have a ball that is simply unmatched when it comes to backend performance, and The "NUTS" on most common lane conditions. Unmatched Backend Performance - Now that's The "NUTS"



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Re: The Nuts Pearl
« Reply #1 on: October 27, 2011, 09:19:02 PM »
 Nuts pearl.....
It's a great ball for light oil to medium oil.
Gets down the lane really good.
A lot of energy and the nuts has a strong drive to the pins.
The ball is very versatile.


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Re: The Nuts Pearl
« Reply #2 on: October 28, 2011, 10:48:05 AM »

Length: 36 feet


Volume: med-heavy

Type (THS, Sport Pattern etc): Local house shot for league. Not too hard, but in an evening league
we deal with a lot of carry down since the lanes are ran in the morning, and get a short run (about half lane) just before league starts.



Likes: This is a excellent ball for a condition as discribed above. First of all I like a pearl ball
over a solid 9 times outta 10 on a house shot. I think they are more forgiving and carry better when you can create the bigger entry angles.  The NUTZ Pearl first of all comes with classic looks. I'm not a fan of the wild colors in some new balls that lose their visual appeal after the first week. The Black/Silver is a color that will look great for years, not like those clown balls we all have in the garage... I'm old fashion I guess, and I know 'bling' sells, but I want a ball that I can read going down the lane, and some of todays balls are hard to visualize, this ball is easy to watch and read.

I love this new "NEAT" finish process. I can see the difference in the way the balls reads the pattern (for me).

Historically I've had success with pearls as the lanes 'tame' down on the backs. By that I mean on a fresh condition, with dry backs end I've always had to be very cautious about the ball jumping off the oil.  For me the NUTZ Pearl almost has a brain about what to do coming out of the oil, where as before some pearls were a little jumpy sometimes. I can move with the pattern breakdown in smaller bites with this ball than with other pearls. Seems like it reads the lanes with a gentle transaction, moving boards, rather than having to move arrows at time.  

I think I can use this ball as a benchmark ball.  I can start with this ball on most conditions I see, and (so far) I can stay with it for the entire league night, movining maybe from 10-12 board to 18-20 by the 3rd game, and the ball never sputters. I haven't used it in a tournament as yet, and I don't think it would give me the late block angles that I can create with some of the higher end balls (Raw Profit), but I do think it would be able to perform as long as the pattern was playable 80% of the time...

Summary, Great looks, I like the "NEAT" finish it keeps the ball playable for longer stretches, and performance is

excellent, in that carry and predictibility go hand in hand.  I give this ball a 10 out of 12 strikes rating.

I think this will be a good one that bowlers carry in the A bag. 

Jim Ensminger, Ft Worth Texas.




Dislikes:  So far none.






Jim Ensminger
There's FIRST, then everyone else.


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Re: The Nuts Pearl
« Reply #3 on: October 28, 2011, 10:59:12 AM »

Pin Length: 3"   

Starting Top Weight: 2 3/4      

Ball Weight: 15.3



Pin to PAP: 4 1/2"

40 degree 4 1/2" pin 30 degree angle to VAL



Ball Speed: 14-16 mph


PAP/Track: 4 9/16"



Grit: 4000

Type: NEAT 


Length: 41ft & 37ft


Volume: Heavy/Medium

Type THS, Kegel Challenge


Length: Medium

Back End: Strong


Overall Hook: Strong

Breakpoint Shape: Hard Arc/Flip



Likes: The NUTS Pearl, the newest release from 900 Global is a Monster Pearl!   Wanted to drill this one aggressive.  I have had success with hooking Pearls in the past so my hope here was a little more skid and flip than Nuts solid.  I got that and then some! Dual Angle Layout of 40 degree, 4 1/2" pin tp PAP and 30 degre angle to VAL, pin down under ring.  Right out of the box on a heavier THS I could see this ball wants to rev up and hook!  Forced me deeper than normal and deeper than Nuts solid 2 board left with my feet and on the lane.  The Nuts Pearl wants to start hooking in the midlane, more than I've seen from a Pearl in the past.  It doesn't stop there - big booming backend to this ball!  No quit to it.  You can miss wide, it's coming back.  Carry was good, 714.  My issue was chasing the oil, making the move left.  Didn't have much fall back, if I missed in there was NO fade in this ball, it wants to hook.  It has the look and roll of a solid with a pearl backend.  It gave me lots of confidence to get in the oil and let it fly knowing this ball has what it takes on an oily pattern.  Tried it on Kegel's Broadway pattern and it was just too much ball for me and my slower speed.  I think maybe a different drill pattern or small surface change could smooth reaction out and let me use it on a lighter pattern.  If you're looking for a lot ball the Nuts Pearl is a beast!


Great addition to the Nuts line and an awesome pearl from 900 Global!

Joe Arvai









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Re: The Nuts Pearl
« Reply #4 on: November 01, 2011, 07:44:30 PM »




Type (THS, Sport Pattern etc):house pattern




I drilled The Nuts Pearl with a controlled drilling pattern for myself, my pap is 5 15/16 by 5/16 up. I was throwing this ball on your average 41 foot house pattern on brunswick synthetics. And after the first few shots, all I could say to myself was "wow". I could throw this ball as far right as I wanted and it always came back. By 900Global making this coverstock pearlized, it helps the ball retain even more energy for the back. It hits HARD!! Also when I tugged the ball in the oil it made a smooth transition right through the oil and didn't pick up speed and go too long. It still smashed the pins and kept them low. This ball can be used by every type of bowler on any medium oil pattern and you will score. Of all the new 900 Global equipment out there, this ball is a must have that should always be in your bag. This one is a must buy.

Dislikes: None







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Re: The Nuts Pearl
« Reply #5 on: November 01, 2011, 09:28:27 PM »

Length: 42'


Volume: med/heavy

Type (THS, Sport Pattern etc): THS and Route 66



Likes: Very clean through the fronts and very predictable back end motion. Has nice recovery on patterns with a little OB.  Nice movement through the pocket.  I see this ball a little longer than my Nuts solid with more movement off the spot.  It's more angular than my Wisdom.  I see many uses for this ball on anything from Med to even some drier conditions.  Great job from 900!!

Dislikes: Doesn't like a ton of oil but that isn't the purpose of this ball.







Edited on 11/1/2011 at 7:34 PM

Up Your Alley

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Re: The Nuts Pearl
« Reply #6 on: November 07, 2011, 08:39:29 PM »

Length:39 Feet

Type (THS, Sport Pattern etc): Everyday House Shot


Likes: If your looking for a Ball that is a monster in the backend... Look no further. This new Nuts Pearl of mine gets down the lane with ease and just flat trucks through the backend. I'll be honest it doesn't really like a lot of oil or carry-down. But if you are on a normal house pattern or even a medium length sport pattern with a little friction somewhere on the lane, this ball is The Nuts! When my friends saw me throwing it, 3 of them went and ordered themselves one.. and they all love them. If you are a bowler that has higher speed or med to low revs, don't be afraid to put a stronger pin position on this ball cause it will NOT roll out. I put my pin down below the bridge (4 1/2 from my P.A.P) and kicked the mass bias out at 50 degrees.It has so much energy in the back part of the lane, the pins don't stand a chance. To sum it up this ball rolls sick!




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Re: The Nuts Pearl
« Reply #7 on: November 08, 2011, 12:27:38 PM »

Length:41 feet         



Type (THS, Sport Pattern etc):typical house shot               



Likes: I driiled mine pin over ring finger with cg kicked out 40 degrees and mass bias 2.5 inches form thumb. This is very smooth thru the front part of the lane with a tremendous backend, it complaments the original nuts and more. I can move at least an arrow deeper then the original nuts and throw the same breakpoint and have the same reaction. I would highly recommend this ball.







John Evans
900 Global Staff

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Re: The Nuts Pearl
« Reply #8 on: November 16, 2011, 01:48:39 PM »
Length: 39 feet
Volume: 19.25 ml
USBC White 3

 4 1/2" Pin from PAP
MB 4" from PAP with low X-Hole
I adjusted the surface on this ball to 2000 abralon as it was a touch too shiny for me out of the box.  This ball really stores up energy for the back end of the lane.  I have more success with pearl bowling balls with surface and this has become one of my biggest hooking balls.  Even with some surface it still pushes down the lane more than my original NUTS and continues more on the back end.  Very angular!
Chris Hans



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Re: The Nuts Pearl
« Reply #9 on: November 18, 2011, 10:47:16 PM »

Pin Length:4


Ball Weight:15



30x4 1/4x20 



Ball Speed:16


PAP/Track:3 78 over 1 up



Had to adjust surface to a 2000 sand 


39 foot house pattern




This ball was a little to clean for me but when i roughed the surface to a 2000 it was much more usable for me. The thing that surprises me the most is at this surface it still has its clean and angular attributes. This ball works great for me when I am seeing transition and need to open the lanes up or when im in league and I need to throw the ball out and watch it storm back. 







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Re: The Nuts Pearl
« Reply #10 on: November 21, 2011, 09:27:25 AM »
This is a great addition to the 900 Global line. Similar to the original Nuts this one offers slightly more length but still the great move (very angular) when the ball encounters friction. I bowl at two different centers, one of which is a late league (typically dry) and the other is on a fresh house shot. The ball is very versatile. I drilled the ball with a 4 1/2 inch pin at approximately a 70 degree angle (mass bias just right of the thumb) So far I have been very impressed with the ball, I like the strong reaction when I have to move deeper.  Pin carry is great.







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Re: The Nuts Pearl
« Reply #11 on: November 26, 2011, 09:17:13 PM »



Pin Length: 4


Starting Top Weight: 3 oz


Ball Weight: 15.4













Ball Speed: 16-18mph




PAP/Track: 3 13/16 x 9/16 down














THS 40ft
90 Units








Length: 1(early)-10(late)……….9


Back End: 1(little)-10(lot)…….. 10+



Overall Hook: 1(little)-10(lot)........ 8


Breakpoint Shape:  1(arc)-10(flip)…….. 10+







This is my favorite ball in the lineup; this ball gives me
more miss room then any ball I have ever thrown before. This is one of the only
true “skid flip” balls I have ever thrown. OOB this ball is awesome on the
fresh THS and great for broken down/carried down long/heavy patterns.

On a 40ft 90 Unit THS I start this ball playing 20 at the
arrows out to 3 at the break point.


Ryan Pitman

Don Mitchell Pro Shop 900 Global/AMF Staff

Indianapolis, IN

REFS: MrEddie(BBE), notsohotshot(BR), akanayte(UTA), Tywithay(BBE), BKloss(BR), therealdeal24(BR)lsf_21(BR), 308d76d (BR), cjb13(BBE), pbaexp12(BR)x2

Formerly RotoStorm2008
Ryan "Junk" Pitman
Ebonite amateur staff
Indianapolis IN.


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Re: The Nuts Pearl
« Reply #12 on: December 12, 2011, 06:28:47 PM »




Type (THS, Sport Pattern etc):Kegel Middle of the Road



Likes:  My layout is 45x4 1/2x32  Ball is very smooth through the midlane, very strong on the back end.  Ball was forgiving on this pattern, miss a little right it was strong enough to recover.  However miss left ball not as forgiving as the pattern broke down.

Dislikes: Ball need friction to hook.  As the oil carried down my reaction was dramatically less.  I could see the ball wanting to move but would not.  Great ball on a fresh pattern and good backends, but be ready to change if there is heavy carry down.

In the bag Lunatic, Bounty, S75, Break Pearl, Break Point Pearl, Bounty Hunter Pearl, Bank Roll, Raw Profit, Break Out, Hook (Blue), Globe spare ball