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Author Topic: Hawk  (Read 11837 times)


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« on: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM »
Ball NPS Score: Not Available has the largest selection of bowling balls
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The Hawk is designed to give the bowler more reaction and performance at a better price. The ball features AMF's Medium RG (2.584) High Torque core that provides the bowler with more length and stronger continuous backend. The Super-Flex reactive coverstock provides the same devastating performance that you have seen on balls like the original Night Hawk. This combination of core and coverstock technology on the Hawk will provide both the power and control needed on today's modern lane conditions.

The specifications are: Core: Dual Torque Block multi-piece design; Coverstock: Super-Flex Reactive; RG: 2.584; Flare Potential: 6" (differential .050); Hook: 20; Backend: 19; Finish: 800 sheen; Durometer: 76-78; Weights: 12, 14-16 lbs.; Color: Navy Blue with yellow logo fill.


Paul Meyer

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Re: Hawk
« Reply #1 on: March 29, 2000, 01:00:00 AM »
This is an excellent ball from AMF and the price is even better! I drilled mine with the pin on the centerline below the fingers and kicked my CG out about 1 1/2 inches. Needed a small hole on PAP to bring it back to 1/2 pos. side.  I shined this ball using ebonite 2000 polish to delay my hook just a bit more, and the results were very impressive.  This ball cleared the heads with easy and made a very predictable roll to the pocket, excellent carry and I didn't have to play as deep in the lanes with this ball. This ball is definitely a ball to have in the arsenal.

matt smith

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Re: Hawk
« Reply #2 on: August 13, 2000, 02:00:00 AM »

this ball is by far the best ball on the market at the moment. the hawk is the most versitile ball i have ever bowled with. this ball goes way long. but don't be fooled. this ball comes back strong. it turns the corner that hard that you think it is coming back at you.

i would recommend this ball for any type of bowler. the best bit is the price. it won't break the budget but what you get is a totaly awsome ball.

good bowling everyone
m/ Viva La Metal Militia!! m/

Kelly Beasley

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Re: Hawk
« Reply #3 on: December 12, 2000, 09:10:17 PM »
Some balls are good and some are great, well this ball is great.  If you or someone you know started with a Columbia Beast but just needs more hook, this is the way to go. Also this is a great ball for the bowler that wants to try a higher flaring ball without having to spend a lot of cash.  This ball makes a nice move to the pocket without thinking of quitting.  It also has a very versatile coverstock to work with.  This ball is a winner.  I'm giving it a strong 9 out of 10. Good job AMF.

Brian Longo

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Re: Hawk
« Reply #4 on: January 09, 2001, 10:37:32 AM »
I picked this ball up already drilled for someone else, not drilled for me.

Specs:  4" pin to PAP, 4 3/8" CG tp PAP, pin slightly above ring finger/PAP line (3/4").  Coverstock finish is wetsand 600, step polish 600 and 1200.  There is a balance hole drilled in the thumb/positive quadrant on the VAL about 1 1/2" below my PAP.  Hole size is 7/8" and 2 1/4" deep.

Lane condition:  We use a Century 100 machine running two passes with 2 different tanks.  Both passes combined give us a moderate taper with 10 units on board one, increasing to 15 units on board 11 and 18 units on board 12 increasing to 26 units on board 20.  Oil is applied to 26 feet, buff runs until 26 feet.  The backends are freshly stripped.

My style:  Cranker/Power stroker with 15-20 hand revs, speed from 15-17 MPH, 30-55 degrees of axis roation, 5-15 degrees of axis tilt.

This ball on my fresh house condition is real tough to handle because I have to make sure I get the ball out to at least the 5 board at the breakpoint (optimal is 3 board), with a breakpoint area of 2 boards.  The movement through the heads and midlanes is quite clean, and the backend is strong.  Because of the stacked nature of the drilling, the backend is flippy and the ball has tremendous power going to the pocket.

When the lanes begin to show carrydown, this ball becomes even better, as it is not as touchy as when it's on a stripped backend.  Good clean movement on the carrydown with no signs of squirt and the breakpoint area increases by one board each way.

I try not to use this ball on fresh conditions unless I'm working on my accuracy.  Because of the strength of the ball and violence of the backend reaction, on fresh shots, there is little room for error.  Once the lanes open up, though, this ball is a holy terror that becomes a little more forgiving.


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Re: Hawk
« Reply #5 on: February 17, 2001, 09:35:18 PM »

Got this ball from Monty Quilla on the "For Sale" forum of this site.  This ball was in great shape sent in the factory box with drilling instructions!  The price was great.

The ball was a 2 inch pin out (I wanted more) and a normal top weight of near 3 ounces.  Surface was out of the box with Black Magic polish applied by Monty Quilla.

The ball was drilled 4 1/4" X 3 1/2"

for this lefty.  No balance hole.

This cheap little ball is awesome.  Using a new span and pitches I've been on fire with this ball.  After starting with a disastrous game the other night in league with a new high tech ball.

I switched to this little cheapie and shot 192 225 on a tough shot!

The next day I used against a well known National Amateur Competitor in some grudge matches and I went 203 with 3 opens and 236 with one open.  That's a lot of strikes!

In comparison to other good balls it should be compared to.  Ti Messenger drilled label with out of the box.  The little Hawk can be played a little more inside despite only a 2 inch pin out and can turn the corner harder.

It also starts a little earlier.

Compared to the awesome ebonite tiger this ball has a very similar path and hard hit but it can be used on a little heavier pattern.  Both balls can be used inside or straight up the boards.

Next to my 4D Reactive hammer drilled 3 3/8" control the little Hawk goes a little longer but can turn the corner from the inside just as hard.  The 4D covers more boards probably due to the stronger pin position.

To summarize, This ball is an awesome ball that covers a broad range of medium conditions.  It can be played up the boards or inside and carry both lines.  I like it better than its more expensive sibling the original Nighthawk reactive.  Also I like it better than the Ti Messenger and I've had some big scores with that!

I don't know why this ball is so good but it just is.  Get it.  For the once a week league bowler it could be your one ball arsenal. For the tournament bowler it could cover all mediums from inside to out.  If the Ti Hawk is better I'd have to see it to believe it!


It takes Courage to have Faith, and Faith to have Courage.

James M. McCurley, New Orleans, Louisiana


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Re: Hawk
« Reply #6 on: February 26, 2001, 05:46:15 AM »

I just saw Nighthawk GNO review on this ball and I completely agree.

This ball is awesome on the 10 to 10 league shot.  A little wide and it comes roaring back.  Pulled inside it wants to skid and hold the pocket.

Lots of area and lots of carry.  Though a cheapie this ball will cover lots of boards in a hurry.  It can be played inside and out.  See my review of the reaper for a comparison of this ball to Reaper, Tiger, and Rebel ECX.

All great medium condition balls but all different!



See my previous review on this ball for the tech skinny and drilling layout!
It takes Courage to have Faith, and Faith to have Courage.

James M. McCurley, New Orleans, Louisiana


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Re: Hawk
« Reply #7 on: April 08, 2001, 06:37:14 PM »
I just wanted to post another review on this great ball.

Drilled 4 1/4 pin to pap and 3 1/2 CG to Pap.  Ball out of the box sand with Ultimate black magic polish.  No balance hole.  This little beauty is so versatile.

It can be played straight up the boards or inside on medium to light oil and it can really turn the corner.  The other night in conparison to my even hooking Hammer 4D reactive(due to control/early roll) drilling this ball went 10 to 15 feet longer and came back hard playing 10 to 8 on the left side.  What length
angle and carry.  

So many others are going to the Ti Hawk but the lowered RG on that ball gives more midlane.  This ball truly has length and will have more energy at the back.

Funny thing the ball does not sound crushing at the pin deck like a Ti Messenger but its greater angle makes its carry extremely high.  For league bowlers on medium to medium lite this can be a one ball arsenal.
For the tournament bowler this can be a late block ball.  If want small backend though get something with less differential.  This baby can move!

I've had so many good scores with this I'm going to use it more!  For $80 bucks it may be the best ball in bowling.  If the Firhawk is better for long and strong I want to see it!


It takes Courage to have Faith, and Faith to have Courage.

James M. McCurley, New Orleans, Louisiana


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Re: Hawk
« Reply #8 on: August 16, 2002, 08:11:14 PM »

Weight 16 lbs, Pin Out
Drilled Cg 4" from Pap, Pin 3 1/4" from Pap
Pin placed 2 inches up and right from ring finger
Cg placed 1 1/2 inches from center of grip
polished with Track Magic polish
Playing in sinthetic medium oil condition lanes

Since i began to play, this was my first real bowling ball,
drilled for length and strong backend, practically i´ve learn to play
with this ball, with scores of 120 at the beginnig but now i've thrown 244 with the same ball, that is without "Redrilling it"
I have played with other balls like, the "night hawk torque", the "Cuda c/2000", and the "Triton Elite perl", but no one of these are so versatile, predictable and consistent than the "Hawk"
Of course, this depends on the conditions i play and the technique for shooting i have. Im sure my other balls are great but, i have to find special conditions to play with them, but my Hawk is my first and my Oil-Meter ball, that i use it for read the line.
In out of box condition, the hawk is a medium to heavy Oil conditions, but the bowling centers where i play, there are almost always "medium conditions"
but polished, the ball is so much versatile, and i can play almost everywhere.
The ball takes good lenght rolling down the lane, and hit the pins with enough
strongness to make strikes during the 3 lines of a night sesion, without loosing reaction or predictability. (of course there are nights that i have to keep it in the bag, and play with the others).

The only thing that i find not favorable is at the brooklyn enters, the ball has not enough strongness to sweep away all the pins, Of course the brooklin strike means that you have troubles in the release or choosing a good inicial position but i say that because other, recent balls (Storm Trauma) has great strongness even for brooklyn strikes.

For a mid price ball, i thik this is the greatest ball that i could ever bought
it is inside my bag since "novice", and i´m sure that it still be there when "Master"

Happy strikes.

Rodrigo T.

Brian Green

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Re: Hawk
« Reply #9 on: February 04, 2003, 10:23:27 PM »
got this ball  drilled up with pin in the center of grip and cg to the left of my thumbhole  with a hole drilled thru the cg....  this ball gives me a consistant reaction on the backend...  weather the backends are fresh or have carrydown this ball reacts the same.....

this was my go to ball when we bowled on PBA Pattern D in our league.....  

i have had the ball dull and polished and the only thing different is how long it goes down the lane... backend reaction is the same.....

I'd say that is ball is a good ball..  the ball fits into my arsinal exactly where i needed it too.....
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Re: Hawk
« Reply #10 on: January 08, 2004, 07:58:06 AM »
This is a 14# ball with 2 ounces of starting top weight and about a 1.5 inch pin. I tried a little experiment with this one. I had it drilled with no thumb hole. I don't use a thumb anymore, but usually drill the thumb hole to help keep the static weights legal. In this case I put the cg between the finger holes and the pin next to the ring finger. The finger holes were drilled very deep leaving half an ounce of top weight.
I usually only bowl on house shots. In box condition (sheened) the ball hooked too much for the local conditions. I polished the ball, and I now get about five feet of extra length. The ball goes fairly long and then arcs hard. It hits well. Almost too well as I have been leaving solid nine pins. At least they are easier to pick up than the ten pin!
I like this ball. Very readable with an easily adjustable strong solid reactive cover and a medium stength core. The ball gets nice length as long as you match cover prep to conditions and then covers a lot of boards late but in a very readable fasion. The hit is there if you supply some turn.
This ball has been repeatidly rereleased by AMF. I know it is the same as the en fuego and I think it the same as the Valor. It's a good ball and well worth your consideration.
I also now know that this drill pattern is a viable option for me. Thanx for reading!!

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Re: Hawk
« Reply #11 on: January 24, 2004, 11:41:19 PM »
Ok, 1st review ever, just got this ball off ebay. I have been throwing plastic, conventional grip, straight down the lane for 28 yrs, my average had fallen to a 143 on my friday night league, I decided to get a real ball and also drilled correctly, fingertip finger 1.5" left of pin, the rest of that stuff I don't have a clue about.
 1st night, 169,189,147, huh, looking better, what's up with this ball? nice length, smooth hook around the pocket and drives through great, next week, 189,221,198, 608 series, holy molly look at this.
 Moved to the right and started cranking this baby and it moves to the pocket like settlers to oklahoma! It even shoots well on Brooklyn hits.
 If you are looking to step up to a real ball and don't want to spend a bundle, this is it, $38.00 off ebay,Dave at Interstate Bowl, Bristol Va said it was a perfect choice for where I was at in my game