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Author Topic: Night Hawk Torque  (Read 11617 times)


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Night Hawk Torque
« on: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM »
Ball NPS Score: Not Available has the largest selection of bowling balls
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The ball features a colossal flip block capping in devastating density of AMF’s proven Night Hawk Power Ring. The result is bone-crushing power. AMF’s proven SPT (Super Particle Technology) coverstock has also been injected with an overdose of adrenaline. The result is SPT II, AMF’s most aggressive coverstock to date and the perfect compliment to the Night Hawk family. The SPT II provides an earlier break point that is especially conducive for when the heads are flooded. And the gorilla Power Ring carries the pocket with less deflection. Simply put, the Night Hawk Torque adds a powerful dimension to the Night Hawk family without giving up the strong continuous back end of the original Night Hawk.

The specifications are: Core: Power Ring Multi Density; Coverstock: SPT II; RG: 2.50; Flare Potential: 6” .048; Hook Rating: 14-24; Length: 3.5; Finish: 800 wet-sand; Weights: 12, 14-16 lbs.; Color: Purple with yellow logo fill.


Ron Ware

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Re: Night Hawk Torque
« Reply #1 on: February 04, 2000, 01:00:00 AM »
I got one of these boomers a couple weeks ago and I have been experimenting a little with the different levels of polish on varying lane conditions.

Its out of the box state gives you a whole lot of ball for the strong hand on a normal house shot.  Maybe TOO much.  But for the tweeners or the straighties,  you now have a ball that will compensate for the lacking revs of the big crankers!  It revs up fast so it is great when you have a lot of oil in the front.

The ball does not overreact on the dry boards or skid too much in the oil.  For an active, it shines up well and can easily obtain the desired length you want on those conditions where oil is a little scarce or for those twisters that want to take advantage of the strong back end reaction of this ball.

This is an area creating ball with a very versatile coverstock.  AMF is getting a lot of mileage with its NightHawk core and SPT II combination.  It's a good match and the hits keep coming...



Paul Meyer

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Re: Night Hawk Torque
« Reply #2 on: February 07, 2000, 01:00:00 AM »
This has been one of the most aggressive ball I have thrown to date. Drilled this monster with the pin above ring finger and mass bias about 1 inch to the right of thumb (Extra hole on PAP). I had to shine this ball to help it get through the heads a bit cleaner. This ball flares about 6 inches, and burns up alot of energy very quickly.  This is ball only for oil and heavy amounts of it. If you are looking for a big hooking ball, this is the ball. I probably should have drilled less agressive for how i throw it.

I did drill a torque with the mass bias in the track for a customer who has strong hand in the ball and this ball retained more energy until later.


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Re: Night Hawk Torque
« Reply #3 on: March 13, 2000, 01:00:00 AM »
Got this ball @ the nationals last week. Must say that I read a lot of reviews here and was not real sure of my choice. Had some luck at ABC's with it.

But when I got home on my house shot this ball was great, comes back very strong and carried all the light hits. Only 2 missed tens and a chopped 6-10 stopped me from 700.

This is my 1st AMF ball but not my last will let you know what I think after I get more than 9 games on it.

Old Coach

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Re: Night Hawk Torque
« Reply #4 on: March 13, 2000, 01:00:00 AM »
I've had my torque for about a month and at first did not like it at all. The ball was drilled for length, leveraged, pin above the fingers. In the out of box condition and not being a high rev player the ball seemed to run out when the backends were hooking up and was very dead on impact. I put a little polish on it and suddenly it started coming to life. Seems like the more polish the more control and now it hits hard, sometime to hard, causing high pin action.  I have found that you can play inside as well as outside with this ball just by varying the speeds.  If I were to use one ball for all conditions this would be it. The Riot Zone has now taken a back seat to the Torque.  


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Re: Night Hawk Torque
« Reply #5 on: March 25, 2000, 01:00:00 AM »
 i've found this ball to be be one that is very versitale plays everything but the driest lanes.Nice job AMF.

Brian Longo

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Re: Night Hawk Torque
« Reply #6 on: July 07, 2000, 02:00:00 AM »
I drilled this ball up for a guy who was looking for a good hooking ball.  He is a tweener with about 13 revs, about 17 MPH ball speed, 60 degrees of axis rotation and small axis tilt.  PAP coordinates are 4 5/8" by 11/16".

We settled on a "half label, half stacked leverage" drilling as I call it, where the pin is set at 3 3/8" from his PAP and his CG is halfway between his center of grip and the leverage area.  What he got was a good flaring ball (in the neighborhood of 5-6") with a moderate arcing backend.  On our house shot (15 units gutter to 11, 20 units at 12 increasing to 30 at 20 which is oiled 27' and buffed to 36' with fresh backends) this was too much ball out of the box, which was fine for him as this ball was for oilier conditions.

The carry and hitting power of the ball was great, as was the strength of the reaction off the buff with a hard roll in the pocket.  No overskid or rollout apparent, even on our medium shot, and he told me that on the oiler state tournament conditions, this ball worked quite well in terms of expected ball reaction and carry/hitting power.

Doug Sterner

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Re: Night Hawk Torque
« Reply #7 on: November 29, 2000, 06:57:46 PM »
This ball has one says AMF. The core and cover combination on the Torque are a super pair for oily lanes.

My Torque outhooked my Spike HPT, 4-D HPT, SuperPower and X-it. The Torque also hits very hard.

I used the strong MB placement with a 4" pin to axis location. The bal lprovides a 6" flare and excellent carry.

I really wish AMF could get their act together since their Nighthawk and Angle lines are very competitive...they just need firm support.

Bottom line ? Great ball at a great price considering the condition aof the company.
Doug Sterner
Doug's Pro Shop
Owego, NY

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Re: Night Hawk Torque
« Reply #8 on: January 04, 2001, 06:41:40 AM »
My PAP is 5 1/4 over and 3/8 up. Average speed and about average revolutions

ball layout

pin to cg-2"

pin to pap 5"

cg to pap 5"

no weight hole

shot bowled on

synthetic very wet/dry

wood tapered(christmas tree) thats get carry down

i did polish the ball to 100 grit to get it to roll better.

in the out of box condition, it just rolled to early and could use it on my house shots.

first of all this ball is a flare monster . i got over 7" of flare from this ball.

I bowl on wet/dry synthetics and wood tapered top hats conditions.

On the tapered shot, the ball performed its best, long as oil was present-if it isnt, put this ball back in your bag. The ball carried very well on this condition.

on the wet dry condition(remember i shined this ball) It did skate more than expected in the oil(still gets to hole, but flat ten). To the dry it was just an animal.

this ball in its current condition works better on the flat shot. If i bowled on heavy flat oil, id leave it in its out of box condition.

final analysis

very good ball

8 1/2 out of 10

i did bowl a 297,296 (yeah i know) and a 793 and 788 with this ball


i have just redrilled this ball

pin to pap 4 1/2"

cg to pap 3 1/2"

i will report back on the success of this ball on heavier oil.


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Re: Night Hawk Torque
« Reply #9 on: July 30, 2003, 08:30:42 PM »
I have this ball for almost 2 years, and is one of my favorites.
Proshop driller, put me a standard leverage drilling, 16 lb, pin right near the ring finger, and cg out of grip, like 12:00. balance hole below the mid line near the pap.
i used polished because my type of release, and to get more Length in the lane, this drilling worked well for me, not the best but acceptable,
but one thig happened, i tried to get more power on the hitting contact, and i thought, closing the balance hole, the ball will take more positive side and resulting in more hook...
but what a mistake.... the ball loose te entering corner strongness, and turned in an unpredictable ball, i tried resurfacing but nothing, the ball was almost dead... then i decided to reopen the balance hole, this time a little below the original, and the ball became to life again...strong, predictable,  forgiving, and a good choice for many different lanes.
well.. now i have learn the lesson... balance holes in this kind of balls refine the behavior of balls, and playing like me (mid-speed and strong revs)at medium dry lanes, are a good choice for getting more control and predictability.

Regards from Mexico..
Rodrigo T.

Knowledge is Power.


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Re: Night Hawk Torque
« Reply #10 on: June 11, 2004, 06:11:09 PM »
Awesome ball, use on dry/medium oiled lanes (fresh oil it leaves corner pins like mad) with tons of carry down.  Rolled my first 300 with it, 4 years ago and still using it. whatever causes the "death" of a ball the deseminators or whatever storm names them to sell cleaning products doesn't apply to this ball, consistant, hard hitting reaction every ball for sure. even playing the tightest pocket, i can hit it consistantly with this ball, god, i don't know why i stopped using it for a few months .


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Re: Night Hawk Torque
« Reply #11 on: March 15, 2005, 10:37:33 AM »
this ball is a good ball. i threw itm for the first time and i throw 278. so i guess its a good ball. the way i have it drilled is for it to go long and hit hard in the back end.