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Author Topic: Nighthawk Revenge  (Read 13299 times)


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Nighthawk Revenge
« on: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM »
Ball NPS Score: Not Available has the largest selection of bowling balls
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The Night Hawk Revenge is designed to be a versatile piece of equipment for a variety of styles and conditions. The Revenge features AMF's new Medium RG (2.584) High Torque core that provides the bowler with more length and stronger backend characteristics. AMF's new Super Particle Technology III pearlized coverstock is more aggressive than mica, which helps eliminate the "squirt" that is associated with most pearl shells. The Revenge will provide better carry and more area when the bowler is looking for a ball to get around the corner after the lanes have gone through a transition.

The specifications of the Revenge are: Core: Dual Torque Block multi piece design; Coverstock: SPT III; RG: 2.584; Flare: 6" (differential .048); Hook: 23; Backend: 21; Finish: 800 sheen; Durometer: 76-78; Weights: 12, 14-16 lbs.; Color: Revenge Green Pearl with gold logo fill.



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Re: Nighthawk Revenge
« Reply #1 on: February 22, 2000, 01:00:00 AM »
Del sent me two of these to give him some thoughts.  Here's what I told him.

First, the Nighthawk Torque was what the average bolwer was looking for in reaction and it happend to be a good ball for the high average player too.  I have to now say that the Nighthawk Torque WAS Dels best ball.  

This is the look the higher average and higher rev players, and touring players are looking for on all the conditions from house to tour.  The length rivals most reactives with the predictability of the particles. I really have a tough time telling which this ball is. They say it's SPT III or whatever. This ball leaps off the corner and hits.  

All I can say is that this ball has 2-299, and a 300 here in town already and there are only two of them.  

This is not the SPT in pearl this in a much better and different look, I know the Nighthwak Torque pearl is to be the compilment to the NHT but this should be just a good, can't say yet haven't seen the HNTPearl go down the lane yet.

Paul Meyer

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Re: Nighthawk Revenge
« Reply #2 on: March 05, 2000, 01:00:00 AM »
This is definitely an impressive ball. This is one of the few particle balls that actually turns the corner in the backend without leaving too many corners. I had to shine this ball otherwise it would just grab the lane way too soon.  The ball I drilled for myself was a 5x5 drilling and believe me even though it is a pearl bowling ball you still need decent head oil.  The carry with this is tremendous and I can honestly say this is one of the best particle I have drilled to date.  I think this ball is the best ball AMF has made to date.

Jeff Mop

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Re: Nighthawk Revenge
« Reply #3 on: March 14, 2000, 01:00:00 AM »
I have to agree with Scott Shimer on this one -- I saw three of them at the college tournament in Ohio and every one of the three people averaged 220 or better with it.  When I asked the tournament leader about it, he told me that the ball was "sweeeet."  after watching him throw it, it was like the ball didn't know it was a particle ball.  It sailed through the heads no problem.  

The thing that impressed me the most was its recovery and carry power from the fifth and sixth arrows, a place where no one ever throws particle balls because they won't recover.  This ball changes everything we know about particle technology.  As soon as I get the $$$, I'm calling the shop to get me one.

Jeff Piroozshad, University of Miami Bowling Team


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Re: Nighthawk Revenge
« Reply #4 on: March 25, 2000, 01:00:00 AM »

Dwight Albrecht

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Re: Nighthawk Revenge
« Reply #5 on: March 29, 2000, 01:00:00 AM »
Thank to Bill from AMF for the Ball. This a pearlized Proactive or a particle ball form AMF. Thre Coverstock is a green pearl with a light 600 to 800 sand out of the box. It can be easily polished by sanding finer and by using any of the reactive/proactive polishes of your choice. The Weight Block is a Med. RG. Med. to High Diff. Which means clean thur the fronts with strong on the backs. This ball is the most PREDICTABLE particle I've thrown. Very clean thur the first twenty to thirty feet, fast revving in the middle and a strong arc but not snapping backend reaction. I for once knew where this ball was going. It is very fustrating to feel you hit you mark with these powerful reactives and proactives and to see you miss the pocket completely. This ball has a nice marriage of power and definately control. A wonderful brenchmark ball. I just can't see how a company can improve this one. I give it a 5***** rating. Great Job AMF. Thanks Dwight.

Ron Ware

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Re: Nighthawk Revenge
« Reply #6 on: April 05, 2000, 02:00:00 AM »
One word sums up this ball and that is "predictability".  This medium RG ball does not over-react and gives you almost as much length as the Pearl Menace.  The difference lies in the even arc once it reaches its breakpoint.  If you need a tame reaction with consistency, this is the ball.

I primarily used this ball to win the Southern Rhodman in March for a repeat from last year. I went from a shiny to dull to the Revenge to get a more predictable reaction when the lanes started to break down.  

If you can picture a scout heading out to tell you what lies ahead, then you can imagine the Revenge giving you feedback as to what kind of lane condition you're playing on.  I totally agree with "Bowling This Month's" review on the Revenge when it states that this ball can also be a good gauge to evaluate the lane condition. The tougher the condition, the more you will appreciate this ball.  That's when its most responsive compared to the monster balls that are out there.

In summary, here's another one to add to the arsenal for dual purposes.  You will definitely need one of these to handle those "in-between" reactions and challenging lane conditions.

Ryan Peebles

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Re: Nighthawk Revenge
« Reply #7 on: April 20, 2000, 02:00:00 AM »
I decided to break my so-called monopoly with Brunswick products after hearing so much praise and positive feedback on this AMF ball.  Out of the box, I rolled 697 (237-235-225)!  The Revenge can read the lane extremely well, and, with relatively few corner pins, it hits like a truck.  On the light shots, the pin carry is unbelievable!  This is my first-ever AMF ball, drilled leverage for arc, with slight positive thumb weight to give it the extra roll.  In addition, this ball has versatility...  I could hug the inside or swing it to the channel.  A rock worth buying!
Ryan Peebles
Area Staff Member
Lane Masters/Lord Field/SWAG


gene riley

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Re: Nighthawk Revenge
« Reply #8 on: May 17, 2000, 02:00:00 AM »
Hello All,

Just got my Nighthawk Revenge 4 days ago.

Specs: 15.3 lbs pin 3.25 top 2.0

Drill: 4.5 X 2.5 mass bias and weight hole 1 inch beyond val.

Started at box (1000) went surprisingly long and made steady arc

to pocket. Very good carry. Left a couple of 8 and 9 pins in 2 games.

Next (1500) with finesse it on top. Went at least 3 feet longer

and stronger move to pocket. More pop in the pocket and strike pct

was better....but also less forgiving. 660 in practice.

Now (2500) with finesse it on top. Went probably 2 feet longer than

at 1500 with a nice smooth strong move at the pocket. Lost the small

amount of over/under. 704 in practice.

Have only been to one house since I have had it. Brunswick first

generation synthetics decent amount of oil (lefty)

Over all I have to agree with what I have heard about this ball.

It comes to life when you polish it up. It carries everything near

the pocket from what I have seen so far.

I have had one Nighthawk M2 two Menace Solids and one Menace Pearl

and think this is the best piece of AMF equipment to date.

Congrats to Del Warren again.

Later, Gene


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Re: Nighthawk Revenge
« Reply #9 on: February 25, 2001, 03:03:04 AM »
Bought this ball for summer league, drilled for max length/backend. Ball does exactly what I need it to do, go long then dive right into the pocket. Thrown many high games with this ball. Ball compares to the Storm Eraser. overall, I give it an 8 out of 10.


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Re: Nighthawk Revenge
« Reply #10 on: April 11, 2001, 03:17:29 PM »
Great ball, goes long hooks moderately and controlled, one of my fav's, hits harder than my wife.  Noticed though for people with less hand it will have a little trouble carrying the corners.


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Re: Nighthawk Revenge
« Reply #11 on: May 03, 2001, 07:06:46 PM »
Nighthawk Revenge
Drilling: Stacked leverage - pin next to ring finger, cg in grip midline,
extra weight hole.
After having thrown this ball for almost a year, it is still my choice for
medium to medium/dry conditions. When I first threw it out of box it was way
too much ball. After polishing it, I found I could throw a few different
lines and it was much more controllable. The hit and carry with this ball are
excellent - I've gone entire nights without leaving a single ten pin! I've
found that if I stay aggressive with it and vary my speed according to the
amount of carrydown, I can stick with it for all 3 games. Caution - if you
bowl on dry lanes or stripped backends you won't be able to control this
ball! It needs head oil and at least some carrydown to be most effective. A
great coverstock - it has held up very well over a year of heavy use! The
only time I can't use this is with stripped backends and or heavy oil. A
great ball for most league conditions! I give it a solid 10!! Keep rippin'
dem racks!........Patmandu


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Re: Nighthawk Revenge
« Reply #12 on: January 23, 2002, 11:02:51 AM »
Picked this ball up at the ABC last spring. Drilled it up 4 by 4 my fav. layout. Box condition this ball was all that expected.Good length with a strong flip/arc move to the pocket. The only negative i have on this ball is at about the 50 game mark it went from being one of the strongest most versatile pieces of equipment in my lineup to one my weaker pieces (tried many differant surfaces). The backend has left the building on any type of oil (very squirty). I still use it but now on medium to medium dry conditions carry still great never been a problem. All in all I rate this ball a 8 its great on the condition I now use it but doesn,t live up to all the raves I have read about versatility unless 50 games is a good life cycle for this coverstock.

"the more I move left the better chance I have of throwing it in the right gutter"


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Re: Nighthawk Revenge
« Reply #13 on: April 07, 2002, 06:54:43 AM »
Who says a 2+ year old ball doesnt still work. Pulled this ball out a couple of weeks ago, to try and get a little confidence back in my game. The Revenge was the answer. Got it resurfaced and polished up and I found my 'A' ball again. House shot is a standard top hat, bout a 10 to 10 spread down about 40'. Bowl after a 4:30 league which is about 75% plastic down the middle bowlers. Needless to say there is carrydown but not a ton. Left-side (for me) is still very playable. Start out around 3rd arrow, getting the ball out to about 5-7 at the breakpoint and the ball charges back to the pocket. Ball is drilled with pin just above the finger for length. Shortly after my finding, Mo Pinel, the guru of bowling in my opinion and owner of MoRich came to our alley for a couple of days, watched me bowl (tend to have a LOT of elbow it turns out hence my slower speed and highrevs), showed me a few things re-did my grip and took most of the elbow out of the ball. Since then I have gotten my speed up about 1.5 mph, gotten the ball on the lane faster and rolling earlier, and I am still able to play the same line. Shortening your span a hair does wonders in my book. Havent shot below 600 since and helped my team win one league and been able to get another team to the top in another league with only two weeks left. For that, I say thank you again Mo and of course thanks to AMF to putting out such great equipment. still a 9 out of 10, only cause I leave a lot of 8's and 9's, but I blame that on carrydown......of that can be a valid excuse.


Justin Buford

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Re: Nighthawk Revenge
« Reply #14 on: May 22, 2002, 08:37:36 AM »
Great Ball. Like Erock666, I pulled out a N.H. Revenge just about a week into April. I saved me a one of the local tournaments we held here. I got through the heavy oil just fine and got great pin action. At first I had a problem with grip (because the shop I got it from doesn't really take time to measure properly) but once I got it fixed, the ball was a monster. It's really the only AMF ball I like. Only one thing bothers me and that is how easily the ball got all dinged up. Im a power bowlers but still. I have 4 scratches on it. It's these crazy centers here in Orlando I guess.

Justin Buford