Here is my review of the AMF Orbit Extreme Solid (Sky Blue)
Layout - 4" pin by 2" CG + weight hole.
Layout Pic - are as follows:
PAP - 5 3/8 OVER
Speed - About 15mph-16mph
Revs - Lower-Medium, can go on a higher Medium rev rate if necessary.
Reaction Wanted: I wanted a smooth reaction out of this ball. Being that it's a SOLID, I was hoping to get a "solid" move out of it. I wanted to control the lanes with this ball when everyone else's ball was jumping too early. This ball was bought in thought of buying a control ball.
Reaction Received: Keeping the ball in OOB condition, it was very strong. It is actually stronger than I thought. It is still going strong after about 75 games on it as i'm typing. (i'm not reviewing it the first day I get it lol).. But anyways.. This ball revs up very strong in the mids, doesn't jump once it revs up, but once it gets down lane it moves hard. I can't describe its hook. It's more like a huge arc rather than a skid/flip because it's not exactly "skidding and flipping", so i'm going to classify this as a huge arc. It does hook more than I wanted it to, but that's nothing a surface adjustment can't fix! I was basing this reaction off of a medium oiled house shot.
Overall: This ball is my first ever AMF ball, and from my experience, not the last. It has a great hit, something I wasn't expecting too highly, and a noticabley long lasting coverstock. This ball has, like stated, about 75 games on it, and is literally reacting like new. That is no biased remark, or anything, this ball is still reacting like new. I love it! The Orbit Extreme solid also doesn't mind adjusting to hand positions, either. It takes them easily. From my experiences, I think this ball is a ball every league bowler should buy. It will smooth out your THS, or difficult patterns you bowl on.
UPDATE! 4/13/08 : Well, if I had about 75 games on this ball in December, I must have about 200-225 on it now. What i'd like to say is this.. The cover is STILL going strong. Right now, my surface on it is not the OOB surface. It has dulled up over time, and i'm keeping it that way. I didn't make it dull, the polish just wore off. Now, with it being dull, it is even more of a better ball! It controls EVERYTHING now. I no longer bowl on a medium THS, it's more like an "incosistant odd shot, where you have to play a game every week figuring out the different oil patterns!".. It has been this type of shot for a while, and my center, South Side Bowl, is very well known for it. They might put a real THS down for about a week or two, but after that, it gets screwy... Anyways, back to the ball.. Now, with this ball and its' duller surface, I can figure out exactly how all the lane conditions are playing. It smooths them out completely, and doesn't overreact once it hits the dry. It just moves smooth off the spot. When the lanes are medium/light oil conditions, this is where the ball shines! It hits very hard, and has GREAT continuation. When the lanes are more on the medium side, I can square up with this ball, and still get a great smooth move off the dry spot. It's just such an amazing ball! I would just describe it in one OBVIOUS word.. SMOOTH!
I hope this review helped in some way/shape/or form. If there's any additional questions on something i missed, or something you would like to know, then LMK! The ball is amazing, and a great release from AMF!
Thanks to Beans for drilling it! Thanks for reading!

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