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Author Topic: Orbit Extreme  (Read 14501 times)


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Orbit Extreme
« on: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM »
Ball NPS Score: 100.00 has the largest selection of bowling balls
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Coverstock: Super-Flex
Weight Block:Solar Core - Single Density - 2 Piece
Ball Color: Purple/Red/Bronze Pearl
Finish: Polished
Hook Potential: 30 (Medium) on a scale of 0-60 Low-High
RG Average: 2.49 (Low) on a scale of 2.43-2.8 Very low-High Break Point
RG Differential: 0.035 (Medium-Low) on a scale of .000-.080 Low-High Flare



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Re: Orbit Extreme
« Reply #1 on: January 28, 2007, 05:53:02 PM »
OMG!  Maybe the best dry lane ball ever on the market.  This ball, unlike other entry level reactive balls, has a full sized core with a relatively low (2.49) RG, which gives it a different reaction and MUCH stronger hit than any other dry lane ball I've seen.  Pearlized superflex has always been flippy to me, which has been demonstrated in balls such as the Titan.  This one definitely is not.  Just a smooth arc.  Definitely no overreaction in the dry.... it just continues a nice, controllable arc, and hits like no other entry level ball you've ever seen.  This ball will make every weak layout you've ever felt you've needed to have OBSOLETE.  Just be simple with the layout.   Mine is pin above the bridge, with a small kick of the cg, to allow future weight hole tuning, which it turns out was unnecessary.  And, at around $100, you can't afford not to have one.   An absolute must for every arsenal.


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Re: Orbit Extreme
« Reply #2 on: March 20, 2007, 11:22:38 AM »
14# ball
1 inch pin
Pin right next to ring finger.
No weight hole needed.
Ended up with some finger and positive side weight.

This is a nice ball. The coverstock is very clean. In fact the ball actually was a bit over under in box finish, so I hit it with 4000 abralon to just even out the ball a bit.

The ball clears the heads with ease and then revs up in the midlane and arcs very hard the last 10 feet. I was using the ball on a fresh house shot and the ball did a nice job of sliding in the oil and not over reacting in the dry. This helped me create area.

While this is a dry lane ball for a stroker, the players who sometimes find themselves cursing the super squeaky clean outsides and backends in many houses will really like it on many house shots.

Carry is good. I have already had a 279 with this ball in league. You can't beat this ball for the cost. (under $100 drilled)

As a side note. This ball has the thinest coverstock I have ever seen. Only about 1/4 inch thick. I hope this doesn't effect durability as I like the ball a lot.


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Re: Orbit Extreme
« Reply #3 on: November 20, 2007, 05:28:49 PM »
Ball spec's" 15.0 3" pin 2 1/2oz top
My profile: power stroker, rt hand, 15-17mph

Tested on all lane surfaces, synthetic, wood and overlays.

Drillings, pin up over ring finger, no hole, 4000 Abralon.  

Had a chance to drill up the solid version of the Orbit Extreme.  Needed a drier lane ball and did not want a 3-piece ball.  Had a pearl version, wanted a smoother look and that's exactly what I got!  Pearl version has a definite flip on the backend.  This one rolls a hair earlier and is smoother on the back.  It still makes a move but with the polish broken off with a 4000 Abralon the ball was VERY readable on a broken down house shot and a sport condition.  It is a "jamable" ball not only in the track but was able to play a fader line inside as well.  Carry was good, good enough to be that 200 to 225 ball when everyone else is dying.  It's nice to have a 2 piece ball that is cheap in price but performs on the lane like a $200.00+ ball.  This could also be a great ball for the beginner bowler.

Give this one a try, you'll thank AMF for it!

Joe Arvai IV
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Re: Orbit Extreme
« Reply #4 on: December 01, 2007, 08:20:18 AM »
Here is my review of the AMF Orbit Extreme Solid (Sky Blue)

Layout - 4" pin by 2" CG + weight hole.
Layout Pic -

Stats are as follows:
PAP - 5 3/8 OVER
Speed - About 15mph-16mph
Revs - Lower-Medium, can go on a higher Medium rev rate if necessary.

Reaction Wanted: I wanted a smooth reaction out of this ball. Being that it's a SOLID, I was hoping to get a "solid" move out of it. I wanted to control the lanes with this ball when everyone else's ball was jumping too early. This ball was bought in thought of buying a control ball.
Reaction Received: Keeping the ball in OOB condition, it was very strong. It is actually stronger than I thought. It is still going strong after about 75 games on it as i'm typing. (i'm not reviewing it the first day I get it lol).. But anyways.. This ball revs up very strong in the mids, doesn't jump once it revs up, but once it gets down lane it moves hard. I can't describe its hook. It's more like a huge arc rather than a skid/flip because it's not exactly "skidding and flipping", so i'm going to classify this as a huge arc. It does hook more than I wanted it to, but that's nothing a surface adjustment can't fix! I was basing this reaction off of a medium oiled house shot.
Overall: This ball is my first ever AMF ball, and from my experience, not the last. It has a great hit, something I wasn't expecting too highly, and a noticabley long lasting coverstock. This ball has, like stated, about 75 games on it, and is literally reacting like new. That is no biased remark, or anything, this ball is still reacting like new. I love it! The Orbit Extreme solid also doesn't mind adjusting to hand positions, either. It takes them easily. From my experiences, I think this ball is a ball every league bowler should buy. It will smooth out your THS, or difficult patterns you bowl on.

UPDATE! 4/13/08 : Well, if I had about 75 games on this ball in December, I must have about 200-225 on it now. What i'd like to say is this.. The cover is STILL going strong. Right now, my surface on it is not the OOB surface. It has dulled up over time, and i'm keeping it that way. I didn't make it dull, the polish just wore off. Now, with it being dull, it is even more of a better ball! It controls EVERYTHING now. I no longer bowl on a medium THS, it's more like an "incosistant odd shot, where you have to play a game every week figuring out the different oil patterns!".. It has been this type of shot for a while, and my center, South Side Bowl, is very well known for it. They might put a real THS down for about a week or two, but after that, it gets screwy... Anyways, back to the ball.. Now, with this ball and its' duller surface, I can figure out exactly how all the lane conditions are playing. It smooths them out completely, and doesn't overreact once it hits the dry. It just moves smooth off the spot. When the lanes are medium/light oil conditions, this is where the ball shines! It hits very hard, and has GREAT continuation. When the lanes are more on the medium side, I can square up with this ball, and still get a great smooth move off the dry spot. It's just such an amazing ball! I would just describe it in one OBVIOUS word.. SMOOTH!

I hope this review helped in some way/shape/or form. If there's any additional questions on something i missed, or something you would like to know, then LMK! The ball is amazing, and a great release from AMF!

Thanks to Beans for drilling it! Thanks for reading!
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Re: Orbit Extreme
« Reply #5 on: February 27, 2008, 02:22:40 AM »
AMF has released a diamond in the rough with their Sky Blue Orbit Extreme.

My Orbit Extreme Solid was layed out with the every-popular "Rico1" layout with the pin in the palm and a large 1" by 3" deep weighthole 6 3/4" from the pin on a 45 degree angle through the C.G. to provide a smooth and strong reaction for lighter patterns.

My PAP is 3 5/8" right and 1" up.  Rev Rate @ 315rpms, and a speed hovering in the low 17mph range.  I have a very high tilt which keeps my equipment from reading the front part of the lane, but with that much tilt I tend to overskid the breakpoint.

My Video Mini Review is here:

The Orbit Extreme allows me to square up closer to the friction wherever that may be on the lane without seeing an abrupt turn out of the friction.  The combination of this low RG, mellow shell, and smooth layout gives me a Urethane Hammer type reaction on house patterns which can really be a deadly weapon in your bag.  If you're looking for something that will enable you to play 5-10 boards outside of everyone else on your THS then the Orbit Extreme is a great choice.  Lighter Patterns, Second Shift Leagues, and Tournaments will enable this ball to SHINE for you.  This is where this ball will really become a rock solid performer.  The Orbit Extreme doesn't give you a false read at all.  When there's too much carrydown or too much of an oil volume, the Orbit Extreme just doesn't have enough bite to bang with the big boys.  But when they break down and the friction becomes present, there's not many balls on the market that are going to give you this high performance read in a lighter oil environment like the Orbit Extreme.

A very solid release from a very solid AMF 300 product line.
Video Mini-Review is at:
-DJ Marshall
...The Twelve In a Row Pro Shop.  Hyattsville, MD


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Re: Orbit Extreme
« Reply #6 on: May 31, 2009, 12:54:45 AM »

Lane Conditions: Medium Oil
Typical Conditions: House Shot
Type of Lane: All Synthetic
What part of the lane did you play? First Arrow
Did the ball track out? Normal
Weight of bowling ball: 14
Surface of bowling ball: Factory/Box
Likes: The color scheme and the simple, "old-school" design
Dislikes: NONE, yet.

 Just dropped down to 14lbs and, since nobody here is throwing ANYTHING A.M.F., I decided to give one a try. Our house runs a medium oil condition, but it dries up pretty quick, and I needed something that had a good cover/weightblock without being SO picky as some of the high performance stuff is, so the Villain was the subject of interest. I soon found it was stronger than anticipated and I still needed a "step down" ball when the lanes dried out, so in stepped the Orbit Extreme Blue/Ivory pearl.

 Liking the particular reaction the Villain drilling gives me (, I decided to lower the pin just a bit on the O.E. to help smooth out the reaction just a touch ( and it worked great.

 The O.E. was a bit weak on the fresh condition, so I put it away until the third game. Our lanes transition to dry pretty quick and, by the third game are pretty dry. This is where the O.E. really began to shine. I was able to move my feet several boards back right (into the dry) and swing the ball out a few boards into the dry area outside of the track and watch it come rolling back smoothly with a pin punishing hit when it got to the pocket. If I missed inside, it would slide and hit the pocket, but left wrap tens. when I sent it out, it carried very well with no over-reaction.

 The f-35 cover is on the weak side, but nowhere near dead. Give it some friction to work with and you will not be sorry.  This ball likes friction and, when it gets what it wants, rolls as good as balls costing twice as much as it does. I don't think I'll have to do anything to the cover because, even OOB, it doesn't seem jumpy/flippy, just true rolling with an ability to handle drier conditions.

 If you are looking for a rolly type ball capable of handling some drier conditions, give the Orbit Extreme a look. I did, and I'm pretty sure I'll be glad I did.
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Re: Orbit Extreme
« Reply #7 on: January 01, 2010, 05:20:12 PM »
Bowler Specs:
Speed 17-18
Revs 275-300
Axis Tilt 15°-20°
Axis Rotation ???

Ball Specs:
Weight 15 lbs
Top Weight 3 oz
Pin Length 2 3/4
Surface OOB

Pin to PAP 5 1/4
Pin to CG 4 3/4
Pin to MB N/A

Lane Conditions:
Length 36' SHORT
Volume HIGH
Surface type WOOD

Lane Play:
Lay down 18 R
Target @ arrows 10 R
Break Point 6r/7r

Ball Path:
Smooth Arc

This is the go to ball when the lanes are fried.  The cover is weak enough to clear the driest of heads with no trouble, followed by a smooth move to the pocket sets up a nice looking ball motion.  Friction is a must!!!

With the layout I have I could play that nice little belly to the pocket when everybody else was struggling to hit the hole.  Where this one struggled for me was carrying the corner.  I have it drilled way to weak to get deep and snap out corners.  With shorter PIN to PAP layouts should take care of that problem.

All in all if your looking for that ball to combat the parking lot of lane conditions this is the ball.  Not to mention is looks awesome!
Current Arsenal:
Orbit Extreme 2 3/4" PIN,
5 1/4 pin to pap, 4 3/4 pin to cg

Hype Urethane 3 1/2" PIN
3 3/4 pin to pap, 2 1/8 pin to cg

Heist Pearl 2 1/2" PIN
3 1/4 pin to pap, 2 7/8 pin to cg

Villain 3 3/4" PIN
3 3/4pin to pap, 2 3/4pin to cg

N''kryption Code 2 1/2" PIN
3 5/8pin to pap, 2 1/8pin to cg, 4 1/4 to MB

900 Global
Break S-75 5" Long pin 2nd
3 1/2pin to pap, 4pin to cg, 4 1/2pin to MB

Bounty 4" PIN
4 1/2pin to pap, 1 1/4pin to cg, 3 3/4pin to MB

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Re: Orbit Extreme
« Reply #8 on: February 13, 2010, 06:05:12 PM »
This ball is very versatile on many lane conditions. I usually use this ball on medium to dry lanes. This ball also picks up those nasty ten pins for me! This ball is controllable and hits hard similar to my Heist Pearl. This ball accompanies my Heist and will continue to be in my bag when the lanes get dry.
Matthew Binkley
Avid father, bowler, fisherman and golfer.

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Re: Orbit Extreme
« Reply #9 on: January 25, 2011, 08:46:23 AM »

Length: any


med/ light

Type (THS, Sport Pattern etc):



Sky blue solid. Drilled pin in ring, cg right 45 degrees, wt hole on pap.  surface 500/2000 polish.

Likes: SMOOTH. great ball for control. Awesome hit. I have used it on wood, synthetics, oily, and dry. Just a great ball that's underrated. Price wise... a steal.

Dislikes: AMF quit making them in a solid.






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