Just got mine drilled and used it for the first time today. I have it drilled leverage, closest to the drilling titled "Length/Forward Roll Drilling" in the "AMF Pro Shop Operator's Guide to AMF Ball Drilling Techniques" brochure, which I downloaded from their site. Except my CG doesn't look like its exactly on mid-line and not at the centerofmy grip. It's a little higher than that toward the fingers, which I guess is supposed to give some thumb weight. This was recommended by my pro shop guy. I told him I wanted length and strong flip.
I threw 4 games with it today, only made got close to my average one of the games. I think this was due to the lanes I was bowling on. There seemed to be lots of oil and a large OB area. This is a new house to me, and I bought this ball because I have been struggling here and thought it would be good for this specific house. Old wood lanes with Guardian. But that wasn't the case, at least not today.
With leverage drilling, and especially after reading the other reviews here, I thought this ball would be much stronger. Its not. I do agree with what other people said that it does seem very versatile. I even made 10 pins with it, which I don't normally do with my "first ball" balls. I had no problem making most spares. But the ball does not come back strong. And when I did bury it in the pocket, I left ringing 10 after ringing 10. Not many solid strikes. Many of the strikes I did get were bad hits. I hit the head pin dead on the nose several times and managed to get mixer strikes, but if I buried it in the pocket, I saw the 10 pin staring back just about every time.
I'm going to use it some more, might try a surface adjustment, I don't know yet. But I'm not seeing this great reaction everyone else is writing about. Maybe I got the wrong drilling setup. I don't know.