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Author Topic: NIB 15lb AMF Triumph TNT - Perfect Specs  (Read 1652 times)

Ric Clint

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NIB 15lb AMF Triumph TNT - Perfect Specs
« on: February 06, 2013, 02:02:32 AM »
I have one up on Ebay right now, best Heavy Oil (actually Flood ball) ever created in my opinion. The ball was unique in the fact that it still backended on Heavy Oil where other balls are like darts to the pin deck!

Also on Ebay right now, I have a 18-piece Drill Bit set & Bevel Sander... and some other various Pro Shop items and Layout Tools on EBAY right now that might be of some interest to some of you. And in the text in my auctions, you'll notice that I mention that I have 1 Brunswick JIG left (selling off my old stock) that I am gonna be putting up on Ebay next week with a Buy It Now option... BUT if anybody on here is interested I can cut you a better deal since it would be off of Ebay and I would be saving on all the expensive Seller Fee's (just let me know your e-mail address and I will send you some pictures and price).

My EBAY name is kim_mart

Here is a link to the 10 auctions I have listed (if this link doesn't work, please let me know so I can fix it):

Any questions? Message me on here or you can e-mail me at:



Ric Clint

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Re: NIB 15lb AMF Triumph TNT - Perfect Specs
« Reply #1 on: February 07, 2013, 12:29:18 AM »
The TNT is no longer on that page because somebody used BUY IT NOW to purchase it... but there are still some good Pro Shop items on that page like Drill Bits and Bevel Sander and other Pro Shop items.
