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Author Topic: Summer Arsenal 4 Sale.. Mint Shape!!  (Read 1193 times)


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Summer Arsenal 4 Sale.. Mint Shape!!
« on: August 08, 2010, 02:16:33 PM »
Alright this stuff is literally about a month old. I changed into it for the end of summer leagues.. and now I am going with a different look for my winter league.. as its in a totally different house with a different lane surface!

1. 900 global Bank.. Drilled pin over.. 15 lber.. 4 1/2 span... this thing is a beast flat out.. I have a second one drilled with a different layout so I am looking to move this one. 90 shipped to your door firm.. ill keep it if nobody buys it as I have shot multiple big games with it!

2. Hammer Blue Backlash.. Drilled pin over... 15 lber.. 4 1/2 span.. over sized slug.. very sweet rolling ball.. great for when the lanes break down a bit or dull it up if you want to use it in heavier conditions. 50 shipped to your door.

3. Rotogrip Grenade.. Drilled pin over.. 15 lber.. cg below pin.. 4 1/2 span.. mint shape.. excellent for playing direct.. just rolled too much like my motiv recon.. 60 shipped to you door.

4. Black Tzone Spare ball.. 15 lber... 4 1/2 span.. 35 shipped to your door.. not a mark anywhere on the ball.. have a roto grip crown for looks!

5. Motiv Tr2... 15 lber.. 4 3/8 span.. drilled pin next to ring finger.. it switch grip installed.. mint shape.. 60 shipped to your door

6. Motiv Sx1.. 15 lber.. 4 3/8 span.. drilled similar to tr2.. has been plugged thumb.. then it grip drilled 3/4 into plug.. 55 shipped to your door..

Buy any of the above balls and get the tzone for 25 bucks shipped to the same address!

Really looking to sell these pieces but would be willing to trade for a ebonite vital sign, columbia pure physics, or hammer plague.. may consider other new or unreleased releases but it has to be something special. Thanks again... pics at

Owner of Brazen Bowling Supply... authorized seller of Lane1,Big B,Morich,Storm,Roto,Seismic,Visionary,Motiv,Ebonite,Hammer,Columbia, and Track... I can get anything.. give me the chance to earn your business!

Edited on 8/9/2010 1:26 PM