After answering many more questions for me than should be expected, and after changing balls from my initial order, I took my new Clutch drilled by Tekneek to the lanes today for practice. First time with Tekneek, first time with AMF for 15-20 years. I threw four shots, realized I should put it away until I was warmed up, and threw 4 other balls during practice.
At the end, I had one game left in me and figured it was time to finish with the Clutch. FIGJAM or not, I rolled 300 right out of the box, no kidding, breaking a 4 year dry spell for me.
Funny thing is, I actually didn't expect a lot out of this ball. It was a test, a ball with way too high Rg and too low a diff for what normally gives me good results. I had heard many good things about Tekneek though, and took his advice. He was right... I could see the ball lope a little, but it broke nicely off the pattern, hit with authority, and kept the pins low...
Thanks to Tekneek for putting up with the questions and changes, and thanks to AMF. One game does not make a review, or even a good opinion, but it's a heck of a start and performed wonderfully compared to everything else I was throwing...
Signature? I don''t need no stinking signature...
Edited on 9/20/2009 9:00 PM
Edited on 9/20/2009 9:01 PM
Edited on 9/20/2009 9:42 PM