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Author Topic: About the Angle Evolution TOUR... the OIL MONSTER  (Read 2610 times)

Ric Clint

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About the Angle Evolution TOUR... the OIL MONSTER
« on: November 11, 2003, 10:36:21 AM »
What is all the big hype about this ball? It's suppose to be the BEST Heavy Oil ball of all time! Everybody knows about this ball.

My reason for asking, is because I just bought a NIB one with a 4" PIN and 2.5 oz Top Weight.

What is it about the ball that classifies it as the BEST Heavy Oil ball around? What did this ball do that other Heavy Oil balls don't do?

Is it that this ball will hook the whole lane and backend harder on Heavy Oil/Carrydown while other balls just go straight... or is it that this ball is just a good "control" ball that rolls very even, and allows you to play straighter up the boards when accuracy is needed on Heavy Oil/Carrydown?

What is all the hype??? What can this ball do that a Super Freak, Mutant, Apex Addiction, Apex Aggression, Trauma Response, or Fear Factor can't do???


Edited on 11/12/2003 2:46 AM



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Re: About the Angle Evolution TOUR... the OIL MONSTER
« Reply #1 on: November 12, 2003, 01:46:10 AM »
IMHO..this ball did not get into the hands of enough players when it was "new". I enjoyed mine, but would not have considered it a "heavy oiler", even by the standards then. It did seem to cut through a decent amount, and got through the heads cleanly, with a nice continuos motion on the back.
However...that was then and this is now...with newer oils, different patterns etc. It doesn't even come close to "today's" "Heavy Oilers".
I am sure that you will like the ball if you keep it within what it is capable of.
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Re: About the Angle Evolution TOUR... the OIL MONSTER
« Reply #2 on: November 12, 2003, 03:02:05 AM »
It was different in design.

Very high load particle load(near 20%).

Also fairly low hg but a smallish differential .35 with good flip blocks.

This meant that it seemed to save more for the back than other similar heavy load particle balls.  Due to less flare in front.  Really had a pretty angular move if drilled with a strong mass bias position.

I have mine drilled mass bias on the VAL and it still has a pretty good move at back plus some good traction in the wet heads.

I'm not convinced that it isn't as good as any heavy oiler today.

The reviews both here and over at are overwhelmingly positive.

The only negatives I've heard were that it moved too much in the back.

Oh, just so you know, one that moves even harder in the back is the AMF Evo Extra.  Monster with a little less particle load but still will handle a heavy load of slick in the heads!  Wish I had another to change drilling ever so slightly!!!


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Jerry Weller

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Re: About the Angle Evolution TOUR... the OIL MONSTER
« Reply #3 on: November 12, 2003, 12:41:23 PM »
The Angle Evolution Tour is still my heavy oil ball of choice. I haven't thrown the new balls you mentioned so I'd be speaking from ignorance to compare them. However I can tell you why I bought the ball in a first place.

My heavy oil ball used to be an Ebonite Riptide. (Talk about early roll and mega track flare! Most people considered that ball a doorstop for just that reason, but they didn't bowl where I did ;-) )

Anyway, the house I bowled in was having problems with their lane machine and nothing in my bag would finish on the combination of old detergent and oil left on the backends.

A guy stopped by to get some work done on his equipment and while he was waiting he threw a few games and was carrying easily. He let me throw his ball and I was instantly wowed because it carried everything without hooking any more and amazingly enough seemed to get great length for a heavy oil ball with very little track flare at all! After that I just HAD to go buy one and I have never regretted it. Try it, you'll like it.