Doom, great suggestions. If you can find a King Cobra (still some floating on ebay) it is a great option. Maybe it was just me, but the King Cobra seemed to have way more flare than .029 diff. Just as good is the Grip/It (also on ebay). Grip/It laid out the same as the King Cobra (60*x5"x45*) seemed to have a smaller track flare; very similar to the Favorite and Creature Solid IMO. It definitely rolled a bit earlier than the King Cobra due to its cover strength, but a touch of polish helped push it longer. All three suggested (Darkness, Grip/It, & King Cobra) are at 4K, so if you want an earlier read take the surface down. That should get you really close to a particle type reaction. I love all three of these at the OOB 4K surface though. So predictable and versatile. Options are there, just up to you on which one you want to pull the trigger on. Glad I kept a King Cobra stashed away for a rainy day!