Punched up an AMF Grip monday afternoon and went to practice with it, and it is a lot stronger then advertised almost as strong as my bank roll. So i hit it with 4000 ab. Took it to the lanes tonight in league and went 223 with an open in the 9th then 300 then x, 9/ 8/ changed to the 900 Global the Nuts and finished with 257 for 780.
For people that think AMF is a joke company now days they need to try them, they will not be disappointed.
Grip is drilled 40x4.25x25 with a 1' weight hole 2 inch deep 5 inches from COG.
REFS: MrEddie(BBE), notsohotshot(BR), akanayte(UTA), Tywithay(BBE), BKloss(BR), therealdeal24(BR)
, lsf_21(BR), 308d76d (BR), cjb13(BBE), pbaexp12(BR)x2
Formerly RotoStorm2008