I finally drilled my Nighthawk for a state tourney. Heavier blend in the middle and more friction between 9-4.
I took the surface to 2000 ( Charlest, who bowled the tourney the previous weekend thought OOB would be too strong) and since it was a short pin (1.5) I placed the pin under the ring finger and put the MB at 75 degrees.
Ball was very smooth off the breakpoint and carry was very good. I was able to hold my line for most of the first 6 games with minimal adjustments. Very pleased with the reaction. I felt that if I executed correctly, I never had to second guess the reaction. I bowl on a sloppy mess tonight and I look forward to seeing what it can do on it.
Would love to drill another with the same layout and take it to 4000.
Repetition is everything..