hmmm, the balls seem weaker on the house shot than the 39' Seoul pattern sport shot. Seems like there was way more skid on the 42' house shot, along with more oil outside on the house shot. There was alot of bounce on the outside with the sport shot. Wonder if they got the two mixed up? Anyways, if not, I wish I had a 42' house shot like that around here. The only time I see some oil is in tournaments.
A bizarre incident occurred in the outskirts of an American suburb.....It was later revealed that the terrible disaster had been caused by the T-Virus.....a mutagentic toxin created by international enterprise Umbrella Incorporated for use in bio-weapon experiments.
Don't worry the zombies are looking for brains, you're safe.....
Edited by Gunny on 2/14/2012 at 4:14 PM