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Author Topic: DIe Hard AMFer  (Read 3944 times)


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DIe Hard AMFer
« on: February 13, 2007, 09:54:46 PM »
OK, I've always been a die hard, I mean DIE HARD, AMFer! I'm about the only one in this city (of 95,000) that throws AMF! But now I'm considering changing to something else!  Mostly because there is no word coming out of AMF about what's to come with the recent sale of Columbia!

Is AMF finally dying?  If not, how about SOMEONE getting the word out to us Die Hards before we become "dead and gone"!

This has always been one of my complaints about AMF - no up-to-date word on any of their gear! Updates too slow and too few on their web site! Sounds like a lack of business savvy is why they're being left behind - again!

Sign me "Finally tired of waiting"!

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Re: DIe Hard AMFer
« Reply #1 on: February 14, 2007, 06:17:07 AM »
It's a shame HSKRNTX, but the problem is i dont think even amf knows what exactly is going on...i hope it does not die but you never know

From what i understand amf would now have to find someone to pour their stuff...will it be ebonite?  my guess is no due to the lack of production time they would prolly get, unless ebonite really beefs up their manufacturing process (which im sure they already have to do so you never know!)

Big B? umm i think not lol

Storm?  who knows!

Visionary?  who knows!

pour their own stuff? prolly not profitable enough for them...

im sure once the time comes the info will be released, until then we must just sit and wait...
Columbia Industries=The BEST ball manufacturer
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Re: DIe Hard AMFer
« Reply #2 on: February 14, 2007, 07:34:02 AM »
Well...Lack of business savvy.....How to word this....One of the most difficult things for myself and others to handle are some of the posts that we read on these forums as of late.  Some speculate, others throw mud, some people hang it up, and a few thank us for the time and effort we gave on building these brands that we have no control over anymore.  To those who have been loyal and stuck with AMF through the end I THANK YOU.  You have made my job fun and enjoyable.  Now there hasnt been to much speculation or mud thrown here on this AMF forum but there has been plenty to go around on others.  Everyone wants the facts or do they?  Or would they rather sit and pull ideas out of the air.  Its so easy for some to laugh about what has transpired or even down Columbia about this subject.  Very few seem concerned that quite a few people lost their jobs, people that were DIEHARDS to their respective brands.  Brand Managers, Sales Reps, R&D, VP's, Manufacturers, Accountants, MIS, even the Shipping department were all diehards about what we did.  There are so many questions from all ends and answers are few and far between.  The very same question that you ask "what about amf" i ask everyday, but i dont even have that answer.  There is no word coming out of AMF because words arent there to share.  This bomb was dropped last week on you guys the same time it was dropped on me and others.  We are reacting to the news the same way you are, trust me.  However as you worry about  where AMF will be manufactured, and about updates on the website, and our lack of business savvy I worry about these same things; but I also worry about my future, which is unclear.  Before you loyal guys become "dead and gone" I ask that you be patient, it has only been a week.  Trust me as more things become reality you will hear about them, but remember this one man Army here at AMF cant do it all.  Thanks for the support in the past, and try to hang in there with me, things will start to clear up in the next 53 days.
Sign me "An army of one with no bullets"
AMF300 Account Manager


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Re: DIe Hard AMFer
« Reply #3 on: February 14, 2007, 09:43:35 AM »
very well written post Eric...i think if that doesn't get the point across i do no know what will!

There are more questions than answers right now as Eric has told me already...he is one of the hardest working guys in the business and also one of the most honest, so i would take everything he says to heart.  Once he knows we will know.

Also he raises another good point, on our end a bowling ball company is disappearing...on his end his JOB may be disappearing, his lively hood may be gone...lets keep everything in perspective here guys

PS that last part was not directed at you Hskrntx...more towards all the other bashers in the other forums
Columbia Industries=The BEST ball manufacturer
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Re: DIe Hard AMFer
« Reply #4 on: February 14, 2007, 01:00:55 PM »
It's a shame HSKRNTX, but the problem is i dont think even amf knows what exactly is going on...i hope it does not die but you never know

From what i understand amf would now have to find someone to pour their stuff...will it be ebonite?  my guess is no due to the lack of production time they would prolly get, unless ebonite really beefs up their manufacturing process (which im sure they already have to do so you never know!)

Big B? umm i think not lol

Storm?  who knows!

Visionary?  who knows!

pour their own stuff? prolly not profitable enough for them...

im sure once the time comes the info will be released, until then we must just sit and wait...
Columbia Industries=The BEST ball manufacturer
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They might be able to go to ebonite to pour their stuff. ebonite would have kept the plant where ever columbia is manufatured, but columbia leases the land and dosent own it, so Ebonite is taking all the machinery and ball mahing equipment and moving all, and i mean all of it to KY where their plant is. Ebonite is supposed to be expanding their building into a monster sized building to accomodate the columbia machines. This building is going to be HUGE because last time i heard Columbia had the largest plant, and when they produced their equipment, AMF, track, and the storm entry line balls, they were producing at like 30% capacity or something. That makes it a HUGE facility, and by ebonite taking that equipment and incorporting it into their new facility, therees no doubt that they can accomodate AMF. Will they? I tend to think that they will not. But hey, who ever now owns AMF could ask Visionary to pour their stuff.
"Strike for show, spare for dough"
Im A Hammer Head 100%


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Re: DIe Hard AMFer
« Reply #5 on: February 15, 2007, 05:41:43 AM »

All us "die-hard AMFers" are asking for is for someone like you to drop a line every couple of days on here to keep us up-to-date!  Even if up-to-date means saying no "word", or decision yet!

Thanks for the post! Hang in there, we are with you, let THEM know that! And keep up the good work!

And change from an army of one, to a MARINE! You'll get better results! Remember - the best defense is an all out attack!

Semper Fi! AMForce Rocks! - for all of your digital download needs!


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Re: DIe Hard AMFer
« Reply #6 on: February 15, 2007, 06:55:31 PM »
Hang in there Eric. Good people find good jobs....or vice-versa. It is such a tough business to be in right now. Believe me, we've taken our lumps this past 12 months at Brunswick, and most from uniformed individuals. There are many good posters on these sites, but with that you get the many negative haters that have nothing good or constructive to say. For the most part, I'm guessing we ALL love the game/sport of bowling, some just choose to gripe and complain rather than be positive and supportive.

We all need to stick together and do our part to bring bowling back into the limelight. Make it a sport that people WANT to be a part of. If every bowler went out and talked UP the game, we would begin to see new and old blood start to flow back into the centers. And yes, the centers have to do their part also. We ALL do.

Regards and best of luck,

  Robert Lawrence
  Brunswick Bowling

I'm gettin' old, I'm hurtin', but I've got Brunswick balls.......Color me competitive.


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Re: DIe Hard AMFer
« Reply #7 on: February 16, 2007, 12:56:00 PM »
Hey guys let me tell you a little something. I have a little knowledge about the AMF brand. You can bank on this. AMF WILL NOT GO AWAY. There are many reasons for this but I do not want to get into them. But be assured AMF will go on.  As Eric has stated no one knows yet what to expect I am sure AMF corporate is looking at all the options and will have answers very quickly. Just hang in there and give Eric and AMF a little time to sort out the details.
Paul Figliomeni


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Re: DIe Hard AMFer
« Reply #8 on: February 16, 2007, 04:35:10 PM »
Good to hear from you again! I sincerely hope your optimism is true! I guess I just spent too many years in the Marines. Loyalty is embedded into my nature! And I've always thrown AMF better than any other brand. We all hold out and cling to hope!

Semper Fi! AMForce Rocks! - for all of your digital download needs!