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Author Topic: Epoxy?  (Read 2531 times)


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« on: February 24, 2007, 08:59:22 AM »
         Posted: 2/16/2007 1:56 PM    
Hey guys let me tell you a little something. I have a little knowledge about the AMF brand. You can bank on this. AMF WILL NOT GO AWAY. There are many reasons for this but I do not want to get into them. But be assured AMF will go on. As Eric has stated no one knows yet what to expect I am sure AMF corporate is looking at all the options and will have answers very quickly. Just hang in there and give Eric and AMF a little time to sort out the details.
Paul Figliomeni  

I remember reading that AMF R&D was always kept seperate from Columbia.  I also remember reading that Epoxy/Catalyst was AMF's product.  

So, if/when everything gets straightened out, will we see another AMF ball with the epoxy cover (other than the overseas Project X release)?

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Re: Epoxy?
« Reply #1 on: March 06, 2007, 08:11:36 AM »
I sure hope so. I love my EPX A1. But, its probably the most condition specific ball on the as well as being more high maintanence than a prom queen.

I'd love to see if they could "pearlize" the cover
Keep looking... I'm sure there's a 300 in one of those balls you keep buying!!
(\ /)
( . .)
c(')(') here bunny bunny bunny....

Your ball hasn't cracked yet? If the ball held together, it might justify another go at the coverstock. The reality: this ball helped the demise of Columbia. This ball was a catastrophe.


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Re: Epoxy?
« Reply #2 on: March 07, 2007, 12:07:08 PM »
Mine and my brothers have not cracked, but they are the best balls for heavy/flooded/soupy conditons.  There is nothing out there that will outhook this for those conditions.  The only thing that comes close is high-load particle balls that are sanded.  I want another Epoxy ball to come out and many who know how to take care of them and how to use them want another one.  The only ball i will ever throw and like from columbia.

Edited on 3/7/2007 8:54 AM

you can still buy the EPX's from, Yes the AMF Project X came before EPX-t1.

 I say this The only reasons why EPX failed is this: People were not taking proper care of them EPX's have to be put in hot water every 20 games or so and people were just not told by pro shop owners that this ball has to be cleaned more often and intensly than other equipmen. The early batches cracked I will admit that but what ball doesn't crack these days i.e. Paradigms, One line,. So I think Columbia got the shoulder on this people do not give or gave Columbia300 a far chance the One line cracks and dies and people buy them like crazy i don't know why they are useless and Storms stuff loses alot of reaction after 20 games and everyone buys their equipment why is Columbia singled out? It is a load B.S. if you ask me. I will never use Storm and I will never use Ebonite cause they have the SAME problems Columbia does.
"No one runs...from the conquerer "



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Re: Epoxy?
« Reply #3 on: March 11, 2007, 11:52:24 AM »
I posted this in the Columbia forum, but I figured I'd put it here too.  I ran across this on the AMF300 website forums:

Total Posts: 17
Member Since: Apr 2005
 Posted: Sep 20, 2005

Columbia will be the only company releasing Epoxy balls this year. Columbia has been working on this project for 8 years and the last year or 2 the plan was to let AMF300 release the first ball. During that time Paul and AMF300 had tremendous imput on the project but ultimately it was Danny Sparanza who headed up the project. Hopefully we will be given access to this technology in the future. Time will tell.  

So, I guess that Columbia (now Ebonite) has the Catalyst/Epoxy technology.

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