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Author Topic: Having a problem with a Velocity pearl...  (Read 2727 times)


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Having a problem with a Velocity pearl...
« on: March 08, 2006, 02:11:16 PM »
I've got a problem with a Velocity pearl and I need some advice from the AMF crowd. This is the first AMF ball I've drilled in sometime and I'd like to get more down the road, unless I just don't match up with this core.

The problem is the ball does absolute squat. It's in box condition (which is a highly polished pearl, 1500 grit or so, just judging by the looks). I had it drilled to go long/hook late.

Well, it goes As for the late hook, it doesn't seem to want to try to turn the corner until the very end of the lane, and when it finally does, it just won't make an aggressive move at all.

This ball is part of a five-ball arsenal. The next ball down in that arsenal is an Ebonite Elements Ice, which is a very mild, controllable ball. Even so, it's outperforming this Velocity by a substantial margin.

My stats: Righty, about 16 mph, tweener leaning to the cranker side.

I don't know whether changing the surface will help, or if I simply chose the wrong ball/core/drilling pattern. Any advice?




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Re: Having a problem with a Velocity pearl...
« Reply #1 on: March 08, 2006, 10:21:45 PM »
I had this ball too, pin at 1 o clock, mb 1 inch right of mb, hole for balance, in box condition it went too long, ended up being my dry lane ball, then i left it in a car one cold night, it was cracked in half the next morning, go figure.


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Re: Having a problem with a Velocity pearl...
« Reply #2 on: March 08, 2006, 10:50:48 PM »
Mine is an absolute monster....Pin next to the ring, cg out, mb about an inch right of the thumb. Left it in the out of box finish...gets through the heads almost too easy...revs up, turns left and keeps driving. First ball out of my bag on a medium house shot.

I'd suggest hitting it with a grey scotchbrite to see if you can get an earlier move.
Stuff that I want to sell:
Morich WMB, Track Havoc, Dynothane Cure,Faball Hammer, Columbia Spirit

Edited on 3/8/2006 11:43 PM


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Re: Having a problem with a Velocity pearl...
« Reply #3 on: March 08, 2006, 11:00:48 PM »
I concur with tgs300. I haven't owned one but know many people who do and absolutely love theirs. you might be bowling on too heavy of a condition for your drill you have on it. I would also sugest a weight hole if you don't already have one. whatever you do don't give up on it too soon. AMF has great products at a reasonable price range. I think if you feel this core isn't mtching up with your game maybe try getting something with their proven bell core a.k.a triumph core.
John~~~Hopeful Amf Staffer


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Re: Having a problem with a Velocity pearl...
« Reply #4 on: March 09, 2006, 12:02:17 AM »
My suggestion would be take it down with a grey pad first.  Sometimes the coverstocks that come out of the box polished should be taken down first before throwing and then reapplied with polish or left with a sheen finish to get the ball to read the mid-lane. This ball is truly a medium to medium-light oil ball, and should be used accordingly unless you have a very high rev rate.  When this ball is used in the proper condition it is deadly and hits like a tank!
Nathan Michalowski
AMF300 PBA Regional Staff
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Re: Having a problem with a Velocity pearl...
« Reply #5 on: March 09, 2006, 01:44:35 AM »
Something is definitely going on that isn't AMF's fault, that much I know...I'm not trying to insult the ball, but it's acting like a plastic ball at the moment. That's what tipped me off about surface.

If I can get it to turn, I'm going to love it, because it just sails through the heads. Unfortunately, it's sailing through the midlane as well, and while I've got some hand, I don't have THAT much hand.

I got it to combat a problem I see at my home house sometimes where the heads get scorched, particularly outside, but there isn't enough carrydown to mute the action in the backends. I tend to send the ball out over 14-17, swing it out to 5 or beyond, and bring it back. I start having problems when my preferred area just gets so dry that I can get the ball out far enough.

The Elements Ice that I use does fine in most cases, but the backend on that ball is more of a smooth arc, and there are times when I need skid/snap.

Here's the drilling on the ball right now: The pin actually isn't there anymore; the ring finger is drilled down through it. The CG is between and about 2 inches under the fingers. The mass bias is about an inch away from the thumb in about a 4 o'clock position. The triangle is upside down, if that means anything.

One basic question, because I see this a lot and don't quite know what people mean: When you say "hit it with a gray pad," do you mean manually, or using a spinner?



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Re: Having a problem with a Velocity pearl...
« Reply #6 on: March 09, 2006, 01:07:50 PM »
A spinner is always preferred, but if you're just trying to do a light scuff of the surface, it's not necessary.  Just try to do it as even as possible.  If you're doing it by hand, a blue pad (800) or a light scuff with a green pad (600) might be easier.  It takes a lot of force/friction with the finer pads to get a surface change.
Penn State Proud

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Re: Having a problem with a Velocity pearl...
« Reply #7 on: March 09, 2006, 07:23:11 PM »

Took it back to my driller today, who is himself a very good bowler and a complete cranker. We have virtually identical spans, so while I ordered something from the snack bar, he threw the ball a few times.

He took it back in the shop, scuffed it up with a gray pad on the spinner and then took it back out. Worked much better for him, and also for me when I threw a couple of shots with it.

It's still going to be a dry lane ball -- which is what I wanted -- but at least now it shows life in the backend. My driller said after throwing it before the scuffing, he knew it was too polished and that even he himself would have a hard time bowling with it.

The next step is to see how it performs in league, and as the temperature down here warms up, the lanes will start changing more drastically and I'll get the chance to use it.
