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Author Topic: Incinerate vs other high hooking balls  (Read 4907 times)


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Incinerate vs other high hooking balls
« on: June 26, 2013, 06:41:29 PM »
I'm looking to get a ball that moves through oil with ease.  Can somebody compare the Incinerate to other high end performing balls? I have the Lucid, Paranormal and First Blood, looking for something much stronger that handles heavier volumes with a different look.

I'm sick of buying balls that don't live up to there expectations.....

« Last Edit: June 26, 2013, 06:45:50 PM by elvismat »



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Re: Incinerate vs other high hooking balls
« Reply #1 on: June 26, 2013, 09:02:15 PM »
How do you have each of these 3 laid out? All 3 are oil absorbing heavier oil pieces, How much oil are you actually bowling on and how much surface are you using? If not enough oil (which is really easy to do with the Paranormal and Lucid), they will burn up and die on the back. Those 2 are not huge backending pieces, making it really easy to burn up. I find it VERY hard to believe any/all of these 3 dont hook or are not living up to there objectives.
James C. Jones
Orbdrillers Pro Shop Holiday Bowl
Chester, Va.

Hammer Regional/Amateur Staff Member


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Re: Incinerate vs other high hooking balls
« Reply #2 on: June 26, 2013, 09:14:05 PM »
To further answer your question about the Incinerate, It doesnt. Its a symmetrical ball comparing to asymmetrical. Asymmetricals are going to be a fine tuned reaction, whereas a symmetrical is going to be a bit more forgiving and smoother rolling. All 3 of the balls you have are asym, and maybe you want to look into something symmetrical to give you something to as where you dont have to be as fine tuned. An Incinerate or Marvel-S would be great choices for the heavier patterns.
James C. Jones
Orbdrillers Pro Shop Holiday Bowl
Chester, Va.

Hammer Regional/Amateur Staff Member

Impending Doom

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Re: Incinerate vs other high hooking balls
« Reply #3 on: June 27, 2013, 09:26:42 AM »
As a supporter of AMF and 900 Global, the motion I see out of the Incinerate is a great mixture. It reminds me of a Train midlane, with much more backend. Now, on your THS, the E finish on it is going to be too much, unless you throw bullets in the part of the lane with the heaviest amount of conditioner. If you watch the video from Bowlersdeals with Mike, the Incinerate makes the USBC nationals pattern look like a house shot. Another reliable source says it make PBA patterns play like they're easy. Use it on the right amount of oil, and you will be ok.


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Re: Incinerate vs other high hooking balls
« Reply #4 on: June 30, 2013, 09:48:41 AM »
My Incinerate is two boards right with my feet than my Radical Reax, drilled about the same on heavy oil.


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Re: Incinerate vs other high hooking balls
« Reply #5 on: July 01, 2013, 12:45:11 AM »
    Just punched my incinerate up and all i can say is wow. i tend to lean more towards symmetric balls and not certain brands. For me much much stronger in all aspects than any  asymmetic balls that i have ever owned. I have the Brunswick Aura Paranormal and the Incinerate blows it out of the water. Very strong midlane and backend for a 1500 grit finish. First AMF ball owned in a long time but could not resist this one. I have many 900 Global balls that i love. ( The Look, Dirty Look, Train And Hook Hybrid. Love them all. But for me the Incinerate is no match for any ball on the market.


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Re: Incinerate vs other high hooking balls
« Reply #6 on: November 26, 2013, 05:16:35 PM »
Here's my two cents. I've been doing a lot of reading and I would like to thank Mr. Impending doom As he always does a great job supporting amf and global While at the same time providing unbiased reviews. So I took a leap of faith and ordered myself an incinerate solid.  I do working in a pro shop so my Prices are obviously cheaper.  But Nonetheless my first impressions of the incinerate were Okay but as a slow speed bowler it was way too much ball for the THS I was bowling on.  However my plans where to go with the motion hole. So these first few shops were thrown before placing the hole.  After I found out the ball was just checking up to early and dying I went with a three-quarter inch bit at 4 inches deep. And holy hell did that make a huge difference.  But i still wanted more length and backend. So i then went with a 1" motionhole and the ball has easily become my favorite ball to start league with.  And thats saying alot as being a proshop operator as i have over twenty pieces to choose from lol.  Anyways i am now a firm believer of the motionhole layout for me as i am only 13 mph monitor speed so on a ball as strong as the incinerate the added length and backend that the hole alone provided was outstanding to say the least
