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Author Topic: JUSTICE SOLID - mini review  (Read 1279 times)


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JUSTICE SOLID - mini review
« on: November 04, 2004, 03:04:01 AM »
Well I've had this ball NIB sleeping in the basement for 6 months and after trying to use my unleashed with little success I decided drill it up yesterday and boy was I amazed at how much this ball could do all the things we look for like control,hit,carry.
I only bowled 4 games with it 212,243,206,195(open 10th) on wood lanes with a common THS was able to swing or play D&I but i found that the haarder i hit and throw the ball the more it would leave the 10 pin it was like slap me and i will slap you back with a spare shot.
Yes this this ball is a remake of the Voodo or Mojo with a twist of SPT cover stock I think I have finally found the ball for the league shot i have been looking for.
Thanks goes out to Clint Daley for this GEM and my driller JOE B. at BACK TO BASICS PRO SHOP for the prompt service.I will post an update when i encounter more oil and synthetic lanes later this month.
A Bowling Ball A Day Keeps The Doctor Away