i was pretty much looking to get the radar to replace my visionary violet gargoyle as my benchmark ball. All the houses i bowl at for regular league and travel, use hpl lanes if its a amf house or pro anvil lanes. The reaction i was looking for out of this ball would be, pretty much any drilling that will let the ball get down the lane on a medium-dry ths. I forgot what drilling it was that was mentioned, but the one that described how it might push the ball too far down the lane probably would work ok for me, due to i tend to like to play around 20-15 with my feet and anywhere between 12-8 at the arrows at my regular home house league. Hopefully this will help out a little more than my first post.
btw bar, what is your ball speed a majority of the time if you happen to know off hand?
Edited on 11/15/2006 11:46 AM