I shined mine a little right over the OOB surface, I'm not a fan of dull, especially when the weight block is as strong as the Clutch. I drilled mine for chasing the oil once the THS disappears. I put the pin right in the ring finger, and stacked the cg and Mb, giving me a 4 x 4 1/2Mb, and a 3/4" x 1 1/2 deep hole 2" below my pap on the VAL...whew, that's a mouthful..I've got about 10 games of practice on this ball in two sessions, one session on mid-day crap after every kid in town has bowled their free games for getting an A on their report card,..and on a nice fresh first thing in the morning shot.
On the crap(I played 22 to 12) this ball really holds it's own. It revs up right out of my hand, stores for the length of the lane and hits pretty good with a nice arching motion, since there no backends to speak of, carry is still good. The ball really reads the lane well, no jerking or squirting,..and no over-under. I give it a good B for playing on the crap.
On the fresh, (THS), this ball looked like a run-a-way Harley on a freeway,...wow. I had the whole lane, I could bump this ball from anywhere, and move right and go straight, and my strike percentage was off scale...for about 5 games of practice it seemed every shot was high flush. I'd try one thing and it would work,...move, change, loft, twist, roll, no matter what it seemed to strike. I have had two balls in the past that I felt i could do what I wanted to do with them, the original V2 and Inferno. This ball give me that feel. This ball will need something to react too, it will not be a ball for a flood (at least not for me) I plan to use this ball where's there some friction, and I need control, and roll. On the fresh this ball gets an A.
A lot of people are going to like this ball...jime
Jim Ensminger
www.900global.comThere's FIRST, then everyone else.