get the ball lefty, its that good of a piece. the last 2 weeks of summer league
i went 780(straight out of box), 680, than 686. On monday, start of our fall
league, i go 221 the first, front 5 in the second game than stung a 7pin, than
go sheet for 279. finished up with a 247.
the ball is so predictable with a strong/smooth move. I havent thrown nothing
else since i drilled this ball. I usually dont post reviews in the designated
place, I usually just say my piece when someone asks about it. The Clutch
itself imho, handles the oil well, handles the wet/dry great, no over/under,
just smooth and predictable. take it for what its worth, cause in bowling, one
thing may work for someone, and not for others.
oh yeah....."you gotta have this ball!!!"