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Author Topic: My Ball cracked too  (Read 8959 times)


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My Ball cracked too
« on: July 03, 2006, 03:45:17 PM »
I recently noticed a crack similar on my Titan,my go to ball,took it to the pro shop they said it was too big to plug and fix.
so I contacted Eric at AMF I have heard so many good things about AMF on standing behind their balls,seems customers do come first with AMF,waiting to hear from him will keep yous updated.

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Re: My Ball cracked too
« Reply #16 on: July 11, 2006, 07:54:16 PM »
I understand both sides in this case.  T-Jack bought a ball and now it is not being replaced and it was within 1yr.  Only catch being he bought it online on ebay and the guy won't stand behind his service.  AMF is not a direct service for replacements that is why you should buy from proshops that you trust.  
IMO, it appears that people are just trying to get a freebie from AMF they see one person get a free replacement so now everyone jumps on the bandwagon


would you not like to get a replacement if half your ball was gone??? have you seen my post? i didn't have a little problem, half my freaking ball was gone!
do me a favor, whenever your ball cracks let me know if you try to get it replaced. and let me laugh and say i told you so

Smash I don't think he was talking about you or Joe, but since you guys posted yours it seems everyone is coming up with cracked balls that should not even go through AMF.  Now they are expecting AMF to replace them and if they don't they are not happy with the customer service when it should be there pro shop.  A few years back I went through quite a few companies where the balls cracked and then I would go to my pro shop and they would replace it and most of the time upgrade me to the next ball out on the line.  Now that everyone is buying balls online they do not have that warranty because most will not back there products.  That is why they are selling them cheap.
06-07 AMF300 Advisory Staff


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Re: My Ball cracked too
« Reply #17 on: July 11, 2006, 09:10:03 PM »
I must say I am a little disappointed about your post today.  I personally sent you an email explaining our decisions regarding your ball and the options you had to pursue seeking a replacement.  I looked at the photos you sent and like others that read and post on this website I merely saw a minor spider crack around your middle finger hole.  Now this may be due to a bad picture but nonetheless I responded to your email.  We stand behind our product, and others can attest that the balls that we have replaced recently talked about on this website all had significant cracks over the entire ball and were completely useless.  I suggested in your case to plug your ball, but I can understand that for personal reasons you may not want to.  Just a refresher for everyone here, shells are thinning year by year and when you drill within an inch of the pin it adds stress hence the spider/stress cracks that you see around the fingers.  Realistically you got 10 months out of this ball with it drilled like that, if it was a defect I believe it would have happened long before now.  Now from a manufacturers standpoint imagine not just AMF300 but every company replacing balls that had this happen, we would be dead in the water.  T-Jack I urged you to return the ball through your place of purchase, and if that was not feasible to return it to me directly.  If you decide to send it to me I will take it to our QA department and if it is determined a defect I have no problem replacing it for you, if not I will send it back free of charge, I think this is only fair.  The last thing I want to happen is to lose a loyal and valued customer, but at the same time we have to protect ourselves.  Feel free to contact me if you have a change of heart.
AMF300 Account Manager


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Re: My Ball cracked too
« Reply #18 on: July 11, 2006, 09:38:36 PM »
wow, how stand up is that!
amf300, all the way!


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Re: My Ball cracked too
« Reply #19 on: July 11, 2006, 09:45:31 PM »
That is VERY FAIR! I don't think T-JACK has seen what our CRACKED balls looked like. Perhaps he should go back and look at the pictures posted by SMASH .. my ball was worse yet! From what I see in T-JACK's picture I think the offer made is FANTASTIC!

In case anyone is interested I received a RADAR LOCK from AMF. I was having a tough time with the ball and today I used it on a SPORT SHOT league! BINGO! The ball was fantastic .. consistent arc to the pocket. I had to move left of my COMFORT ZONE but once I zeroed in .. shot 2 200+ games .. on a SPORT SHOT .. I'm happy!

If you haven't tried AMF .. you're missing out .. been saying this since the TRIUMPH .. now that I needed help .. I find their CUSTOMER SERVICE to be the BEST AROUND!

Hit them light and watch them fight
      J O E - F A L C O
RIP Thongprincess/Sawbones!


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Re: My Ball cracked too
« Reply #20 on: July 11, 2006, 09:49:05 PM »
JOE FALCO i couldn't agree more, just didn't want to type it all out.  we are def on the same page!

i think everyone should try amf as well, they would be shocked!
amf300, all the way!


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Re: My Ball cracked too
« Reply #21 on: July 11, 2006, 11:29:35 PM »
Smash I don't think he was talking about you or Joe, but since you guys posted yours it seems everyone is coming up with cracked balls that should not even go through AMF.

Actually Tenpin your right I wasnt attacking smash or joe like they have attacked me with threats,thats why this world is the way it is.

and smash you stated this in a post "just a heads up for everyone..amf is replacing the ball..thats the best service i have ever had and some of the best equip to go with it!"

then turn around and tell people that your new Radar Lockwas for sale,I know you drilled it but I read that,sounds like someone with some many balls to sell recently,Inferno,the One,Radar...would really need a ball replaced ,sorry but the velocity is too far fetched,looks like you assisted in its cracking....

and Eric,You must say your a little disappointed about my post today.
well let me explain something to you,If you would listen,

I love AMF always have,always will,best company hands down no matter who tries to argue with me,I have always defended AMF to the last breathe,I didnt mean to put AMF down,as a matter of fact I will purchase a Venom despite all this crap that has happened,I just saw my favorite ball ever cracked and now I have to pay 30-40 dollars to plug it,it hurts,I have always purchased my stuff NIB,most everyball but this one from proshops,after hearing your reply my heart dropped,I'm 40 years old and my wife hates me buying balls anyway,but I'll divorce her before I quit bowling,I read the forums saying how AMF is so understanding,I wasnt "wanting a freebie",hell I pay for new balls twice a month,thats the last thing I want is "FREE Bowling Balls",Eric,sorry I bugged you,will never happen again,I didnt want everyone to attack me on here that just adds to the pain,just forget I ever posted this,just forget I ever emailed you,I wont ever post on here or anywhere again,

for those who did understand,thank you.
for those who didnt,sorry...



If ya can't Crank It,might as well Yank It!

Edited on 7/12/2006 1:09 PM


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Re: My Ball cracked too
« Reply #22 on: July 12, 2006, 11:44:21 AM »
That is VERY FAIR! I don't think T-JACK has seen what our CRACKED balls looked like. Perhaps he should go back and look at the pictures posted by SMASH .. my ball was worse yet! From what I see in T-JACK's picture I think the offer made is FANTASTIC!

In case anyone is interested I received a RADAR LOCK from AMF. I was having a tough time with the ball and today I used it on a SPORT SHOT league! BINGO! The ball was fantastic .. consistent arc to the pocket. I had to move left of my COMFORT ZONE but once I zeroed in .. shot 2 200+ games .. on a SPORT SHOT .. I'm happy!

If you haven't tried AMF .. you're missing out .. been saying this since the TRIUMPH .. now that I needed help .. I find their CUSTOMER SERVICE to be the BEST AROUND!

Hit them light and watch them fight
      J O E - F A L C O

If you interpret this as AN ATTACK .. I apologize .. it was not meant to be! I still think it's an EXCELLENT OFFER! Can't see what you have to lose! Every one has to make their own decision .. as it goes with the ball .. IT'S UP TO YOU!
Hit them light and watch them fight
      J O E - F A L C O
RIP Thongprincess/Sawbones!


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Re: My Ball cracked too
« Reply #23 on: July 12, 2006, 08:34:25 PM »
Smash I don't think he was talking about you or Joe, but since you guys posted yours it seems everyone is coming up with cracked balls that should not even go through AMF.

Actually Tenpin your right I wasnt attacking smash or joe like they have attacked me with threats,thats why this world is the way it is.

What in the world are you talking about?  No one attacked you and certainly no one threatened you.  People gave their honest opinion that you were over reacting  You didn't like their answer and threw a fit.  There is a reason that manufacturers and pro shops don't warrantee Ebay balls.  In my opinion, people like you who want something for free when it isn't warranted is "why the world is the way it is".
Telling it like it is.


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Re: My Ball cracked too
« Reply #24 on: July 13, 2006, 12:04:28 AM »
Mr Nails...hmmmmmm where do you get off bashin me,for what reason???

I went ahead and purchased a NIB Venom from my proshop,even though people with plugged balls that wasnt even theirs got there problem solved,I lets drop this please.

no more about it...

If ya can't Crank It,might as well Yank It!


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Re: My Ball cracked too
« Reply #25 on: July 13, 2006, 10:56:19 PM »
hmmm,didnt I say drop this subject mr Iron Horse?

IronHorse = Throwin 14lb Girl Weight...hahahahahahaha  but out!
If ya can't Crank It,might as well Yank It!


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Re: My Ball cracked too
« Reply #26 on: July 14, 2006, 09:32:06 AM »
What's with the knock on 14# equipment? That's not cool. I thorw 14# equipment and will bowl anyone, anywhere with it for any amount of money. INCLUDING YOU WHINEBAG!!!
Official member of the Texas Express, 2005-2006 Scratch Doubles Champions!!!!!  


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Re: My Ball cracked too
« Reply #27 on: July 14, 2006, 11:28:34 PM »
Charles,I dont want to take your wifes money from you,your probably a guy who takes 9 balls to a tourny and still not have a clue.

back to the topic

for one,mine was NIB and single owned and not plugged,you all say to plug it but that right there voids warranty,I am not a stupid man and I dont want Free balls,I just want what I paid for takin care of but that isnt going to happen,ebay balls NIB 1st's are still warranty balls,everyones saying ebay balls shouldnt be warranties..I am not a bad guy and dont have beef with anyone,now people keep saying stuff....I just heard how great AMF was,so I tried,I failed,I'm over it.


If ya can't Crank It,might as well Yank It!


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Re: My Ball cracked too
« Reply #28 on: July 15, 2006, 09:11:55 AM »
You show your true maturity with your statements. My wife has won more money bowling than you ever will. Back to the facts. You know, you are the biggest whinebag I have ever seen. You want something for nothing. You know if you send the ball, THEY WILL NOT replace it because it is not a defect after that many months of using it. You talk about people attacking you, well when you attack others like Ironhorse that are great guys in these forums and have been for a long time, you are going to get repercussions like that. You deserve all you get. As far as bowling, hey dude, I am in Dallas, Texas, just tell me where you are and I am sure we can make arrangements at a neutral site so I can take your wife's retirement fund.
Official member of the Texas Express, 2005-2006 Scratch Doubles Champions!!!!!  


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Re: My Ball cracked too
« Reply #29 on: July 15, 2006, 11:07:16 AM »
I have seen Charles bowl,my money is on him!

No Excuses.Play Like A Champion!

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Nut Up or Shut Up!!!


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Re: My Ball cracked too
« Reply #30 on: July 15, 2006, 10:22:40 PM »
Won a free Velocity in a tourney right around the time when it first came out. Don't know how it was laid out, but it did have a funky weight hole drilled at an angle.  Loved this ball.  Hit like a freight train.
However, soon after, the material in the weight hole started to seperate and chip out.  All of a sudden, the ball lost hitting power.  The sound it made when hitting the pins was different.  I stopped using the ball and it sat in a spare bedroom.  6 months later, I went to retrieve the ball and it was cracked all the way around.  From the left finger to the weight hole and from the right finger to the weight hole.  Took it outside, broke out the weight blockk and threw the rest in the trash.  Haven't bought new AFM since.

Still have 2 Triumphs and both are still in good working condition.

Hard to figure out why some balls crack and some don't.