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Author Topic: N/Code vs MEGA vs CLUTCH  (Read 1871 times)


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N/Code vs MEGA vs CLUTCH
« on: August 30, 2009, 01:58:47 PM »
All three balls intrigue me. I have lots of honor scores with AMF stuff. I'm afraid I won't bowl on anything where I'll be able to use a Mega Friction. But I don't want to get a Clutch and have to add surface to get it to hook. How does the N/Code compare to the two? Judging by the ratings, it should hook more than a Clutch, but less than a Mega. My "newest" AMF ball is the Terminal Velocity. Any advice? Thanks.

Edited on 9/2/2009 8:15 PM



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Re: N/Code vs MEGA vs CLUTCH
« Reply #1 on: August 31, 2009, 10:07:33 AM »
I haven't thrown the Mega but I did have a Ncode and the Clutch is way more ball than the Ncode was. I agree with Absolute I think I will have to tame down the cover on the Clutch. I have only thrown it twice on a fresh shot and it is way more ball than my Widow Sting and Widow Bite. My usual shot is standing 27 and throwing over the second arrow. With the Clutch I am standing 32 and throwing over the 14th board.



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Re: N/Code vs MEGA vs CLUTCH
« Reply #2 on: August 31, 2009, 08:26:04 PM »
I have all three, but I don't have holes in my Clutch.  

As for the other two, the drillings are really different so I get a totally different look from ball to ball.

Mega is drilled pin under bridge, MB kicked out a little, great mid lane read but no backend motion.  I still have the cover in my version of OOB.  It's still 1000 but I took it down and back up myself.

For the N'code.  Probably one of the best balls that I have ever owned.  It's drilled pin over the ring stacked with MB 1" right of thumb.  I have it in my version of OOB (600 w/ Brown Compound) and I love this ball.  I can play deep with on medium and it just unleashes a crazy back end.  When things get on the heavier side of thigs I square up some and belly em' in there with great carry.

About the only problem that I have is on the really dry, but I can still make that work due to the layout.  It can clear the heads and just left turn...

From what I hear about the Clutch the cover creates enough angle on it's own, I hear that a weaker layout and a little hand can do good things, but with a cover and core drill it strong and let it do the work.  That is why we buy this stuff anyway, more angle better carry...

I have a TV too, great bench mark ball.
(616) 690-0590


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Re: N/Code vs MEGA vs CLUTCH
« Reply #3 on: September 02, 2009, 08:37:52 AM »
I too have all 3. And honestly my clutch is stronger than my Mega Friction. I also have a polish up Clutch with the pin at 4" and the mb in my track and it rolls absolutely amazing and is still stronger than my Mega Friction.

Now I will say all 3 balls roll almost the same being real smooth down the lane and even on the back end. Now lets put them in order from weak to strong N'Code, Mega Friction, Clutch. Now believe me if you want even on the heaviest oil patterns the Clutch drill strong is going to out hook the Mega any day.

Either way all 3 balls are great and honestly if you cant decide which one get all 3, jk. My money is on a Clutch, and if too strong add some good ole polish.

In the bag:
All 900 Global and Amf