I have thrown my Clutch on a variety of patterns. For me it is my best "fresh" ball, smooth yet strong enough to pick up in the oil.
I actually have mine drilled specifically for "fresh" on tougher/PBA patterns. I have the pin 2" BELOW the center of my thumb, yes I said below and the mass bias is right near my bridge, an upside down drill and it smooths out the reaction dramatically. If anyone wants to see pics of this layout, let me know. It will require a long pin, somewhere around 5"+ and lower top is better.
I would say you cant go wrong with either ball for the Shark pattern, really just depends on the reaction you are seeking. The Bounty Hunter is stronger overall and will continue to hook even after the oil moves downlane. The Clutch will be more of a smooth look, and will probably not be as strong after the oil carries down.