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Author Topic: RPM Swirl  (Read 11330 times)


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RPM Swirl
« on: September 27, 2003, 04:46:09 PM »
Hey,my uncle just gave me this ball last nite. From what i can tell this seems to be the pearl version of the Ninja RPM. Same core w/ a pearl cover. Does anyone know anything about this ball? Anyone used it or seen it thrown? Encountered some rather dry lanes yesterday and now i'm thinking my PC2 isn't really a dry lane ball as it is much to angular. Could this ball be the solution and if so how would you drill it (specs in profile). THancks to any and all who reply in advance.
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Re: RPM Swirl
« Reply #1 on: September 28, 2003, 10:57:34 AM »
The Swirl would be considered a mild pearl these days for medium-light to dry-ish lanes. Heck, it was mild even in 1996. It was a mellow, even reacting when it did (just re-reading old copies of BTM) read the oil; one of their summaries was skittish in oil and can sometimes fail to read the dry.

Bob Learn Jr set all kinds of records with it in 1996:
He won his third title that day in his hometown of Erie, PA. That same day, he set a PBA record for TV 3-game average (283.3, 300-270-280) and TV 4-game average (282.25, 300-270-280-279).

Edit: ball had medium-high to high RG, with medium flare.
"Those who do not remember history are doomed to repeat it."

Edited on 9/28/2003 11:07 AM
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Mike E

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Re: RPM Swirl
« Reply #2 on: September 28, 2003, 12:40:05 PM »
Hey 98, I agree 100% with charlest's post. I've owned two of these balls and used them both for my dry lane ball. It is a mild pearl reactive. My latest drill with this ball was pin directly above and between fingers.CG 12:00 stacked below which for me was a 5 3/8 x 5 3/8. Very smooth arch and carries well on very light oil to almost dry.Does nothing but skid on carrydown but that would be expected given the mild coverstock.
                                  Mike E
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