It was different in design.
Very high load particle load(near 20%).
Also fairly low hg but a smallish differential .35 with good flip blocks.
This meant that it seemed to save more for the back than other similar heavy load particle balls. Due to less flare in front. Really had a pretty angular move if drilled with a strong mass bias position.
I have mine drilled mass bias on the VAL and it still has a pretty good move at back plus some good traction in the wet heads.
I'm not convinced that it isn't as good as any heavy oiler today.
The reviews both here and over at are overwhelmingly positive.
The only negatives I've heard were that it moved too much in the back.
Oh, just so you know, one that moves even harder in the back is the AMF Evo Extra. Monster with a little less particle load but still will handle a heavy load of slick in the heads! Wish I had another to change drilling ever so slightly!!!