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Author Topic: The Disrepect of AMF300  (Read 6209 times)


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The Disrepect of AMF300
« on: August 06, 2006, 04:48:58 AM »
Over the last few seasons of bowling I have come to see only a few bowlers using AMF equipment. But for the few who did they had great success. Hmmmm.
Why doesn't AMF300 get the respect. The Rodney Dangerfield of bowling. What is your opinion?...9

    Strange how people are UNAWARE of good balls! I have two RADAR's and a RADAR LOCK .. I find this AMF line to be FANTASTIC! Don't know why people are skeptical of making an offer on this ball .. it certainly doesn't appear to be a problem with the SELLER .. seems to have good reputation! If you haven't tried AMF this might be a chance to do it .. give it some thought! Good luck ..
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J O E - F A L C O  

We all can hit the pocket,just carry the damn corners
Keith Cordy
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Re: The Disrepect of AMF300
« Reply #1 on: August 06, 2006, 12:59:52 PM »
I think it's a matter of two things...

1) We are an extremely label-concious, loyal bunch of people.  Once we find something we like, we become extremel attached and form a "bond" so to speak.  Everyone has their, pizza, gas, clothing line.

2) It's been said here hundreds of times.  It's a matter of matching up.  Some people just don't match up well with AMF gear.


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Re: The Disrepect of AMF300
« Reply #2 on: August 06, 2006, 01:16:00 PM »
Bowler's looking for a certain type of reaction that Columbia type balls give generally go to Track or the Branded Columbia stuff.  I do think that Columbia is trying hard to brand differentiate between their Columbia, Track and AMF300 brands.  
I try and buy a ball that I can make an educated guess about what the ball will offer in core and coverstock dynamics that fit my game and the reaction I want to see. Though, a bit loyal to Brunswick, Storm and Roto Grip, and Columbia; everything is fair game to me, if it has the reaction potential that I'm looking for.  
The older AMF company still lingers in the minds of old timers and young people, so sometimes when they see AMF anywhere, they tend to turn their nose's up judgement from the "old" bankrupt company.
AMF300 (division of columbia) balls have some darned good releases of late, but unfortunately there are only several that are that different that one can't buy a similar release from Columbia or Track.  The two exceptions seem to be the RADAR releases.  Looks like an awesome series of balls.
Let us not forget, in a different era, and a different company, the AMF Angle ruled the world of bowling.  Nearly every scratch bowler had 1 if not 2-3 of those series of balls. Not to mention earlier the AMF name, associated with Dick Weber, sold a ton of balls. Now, a far cry from American Machine and Foundry (originally) and their bowling ball division way back when.
KeglerX's Ball Arsenal Registry (includes drilling Specs) @

Edited on 8/6/2006 6:02 PM


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Re: The Disrepect of AMF300
« Reply #3 on: August 11, 2006, 02:40:50 PM »
5 or so years ago, the AMF Idiot's in the front office did not have a good working relationship with the company that made their ball's (Columbia) and there was noticable amount of friction between the 2 parties, the result of this was a lower amount of AMF ball's being produced to serve the demands of the public so on down the line to the point that most ball distibutor's opted to never carry AMF again, AMF decided to sell it's name in bowling ball's to Columbia! Columbia bought all the right's to AMF's drawing's and formula's and made AMF300 a division of Columbia300, it took a few years of pushing but Columbia has finaly put AMF ball's back on the map, it's the same story for the old FAB Hammer company when it got bought out by Ebonite!
Da SEAHAWKS are gonna win it all Next Year, if the NFL will allow it!

Wow! Where did you come up with this theory? First thing is that there has always been friction between bowling ball manufactures and the bowling corporation/s (i.e. Brunswick and AMF). This problem is ongoing and is why bowling is the way it is now - I've worked for Brunswick for 7 years. Second is that both Hammer and AMF couldn't keep up with the technical advances in the 1990's. To keep their names and customers, they sold their rights to these companies that have credibility producing and marketing good products. During this time, Brunswick corp. and Columbia 300 corp. mainly dominated the market because their product line met the demands of every bowler at that time and was more effective as well.

AMF300 Staff

Edited on 8/11/2006 6:08 PM

Edited on 8/11/2006 6:11 PM


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Re: The Disrepect of AMF300
« Reply #4 on: August 12, 2006, 08:13:45 AM »
What do you mean by saying they couldnt keep up?  The Bobcat and Synbad were two GENIUS releases!  lmao  If I recall correctly, the Synbad was a dull plastic or polyester ball.  Coming into the reactive era, why would you release such a ball?

I will say in their defense that the Ninja and XS lines were decent.


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Re: The Disrepect of AMF300
« Reply #5 on: August 12, 2006, 08:55:50 AM »
The Radar must be a pretty good line of balls, the last non prebowled 900 series was bowled using a Radar.

The problem is they don't have enough equipment to make an arsenal out of, give them a year or so and they might be back if enough people buy enough Radars.


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Re: The Disrepect of AMF300
« Reply #6 on: August 12, 2006, 10:23:12 AM »
I think and have been told that AMF is very regional. They sell well in certain parts of the country and not so well in others. Here in central Virgina, popularity is pretty low with most pro shops in my immediate area selling maybe a dozen or so each year. The Radar, Radar Lock and Venom seem to be marking a turning point though; having great success on the lanes, are truly innovative and fill voids not offered by others. They are also three of the best looking balls out now, particularly the Venom which is just awesome. I think the #1 biggest thing AMF needs to do right now is get rid of that huge a@@ honking AMF label and design a new one and never again put it anywhere near the CG. They also need a more serious logo'd spare ball for the non-cosmic crowd.
Warmon - when all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail


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Re: The Disrepect of AMF300
« Reply #7 on: August 12, 2006, 11:19:56 AM »
The Radar must be a pretty good line of balls, the last non prebowled 900 series was bowled using a Radar.

The problem is they don't have enough equipment to make an arsenal out of, give them a year or so and they might be back if enough people buy enough Radars.

-Terminal Velocity, TNT
-Radar Lock
-Titan SE (sweet)
-Supreme Justice pearl
-Orbit Extreme,

Am i missing something here?  Looks like a damn good arsenal to me.



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Re: The Disrepect of AMF300
« Reply #8 on: August 12, 2006, 02:42:30 PM »
Looks pretty tight to me....

Terminal Velocity, TNT
-Radar Lock
-Titan SE (sweet)
-Supreme Justice pearl
-Orbit Extreme,

Am i missing something here? Looks like a damn good arsenal to me.


We all can hit the pocket,just carry the damn corners
Keith Cordy
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Re: The Disrepect of AMF300
« Reply #9 on: August 12, 2006, 03:10:02 PM »
Guilty of this offense. The last AMF ball I drilled was a Maximum Velocity, which I loved. That ball had some success on Tour for about a month, then it was gone. I only remember one AMF dud that I drilled up and that was the Hawk. Nighthawk, MJ Slam, Torque and Torque Pearl, and Revenge were all great balls.

I think part of the problem is that most of us, like me, never get to see these balls in the hands of people we know... hard to judge for sure what the ball does unless you see it go down the lane.


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Re: The Disrepect of AMF300
« Reply #10 on: August 12, 2006, 03:14:38 PM »
Guilty of this offense. The last AMF ball I drilled was a Maximum Velocity, which I loved. That ball had some success on Tour for about a month, then it was gone. I only remember one AMF dud that I drilled up and that was the Hawk. Nighthawk, MJ Slam, Torque and Torque Pearl, and Revenge were all great balls.

I think part of the problem is that most of us, like me, never get to see these balls in the hands of people we know... hard to judge for sure what the ball does unless you see it go down the lane.

I wish they could make that MJ Slam again...


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Re: The Disrepect of AMF300
« Reply #11 on: August 12, 2006, 05:58:45 PM »
While I recently acquired a few AMF pieces. I had much succuss bowling with the Slam, NightHawk amd Hawk. The Hawk was great with various service adjustments.
We all can hit the pocket,just carry the damn corners

Edited on 8/12/2006 5:55 PM
Keith Cordy
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Re: The Disrepect of AMF300
« Reply #12 on: August 13, 2006, 03:28:23 AM »
-Terminal Velocity, TNT
-Radar Lock
-Titan SE (sweet)
-Supreme Justice pearl
-Orbit Extreme,

Do they have a ball line that can compete head to head with the One Series from Ebonite, or the Inferno series from Brunswick or any of the other high end line of equipment from other manufacturers, and what if I want to throw AMF and I don't match up well with any of the above balls you mentioned, they don't have much in the way of variety is the point I was trying to make.

My other problem is they seem to just stop making some of thier equipment and don't replace it right away, meaning of the list of balls you listed are you sure all of them are still available? Like the TNT for example, do they still make that?


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Re: The Disrepect of AMF300
« Reply #13 on: August 13, 2006, 09:47:11 AM »
The TNT is no longer available because it was replaced by the Terminal Velocity.  The Radar Series is very close to the ONE series.  If you can get a better ball than the Velocity for the price go ahead and try to find one.  That ball is Very close to the Triumph.  If you can't make an arsenal out of AMF than you are just looking for excuses to not use them.
06-07 AMF300 Advisory Staff


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Re: The Disrepect of AMF300
« Reply #14 on: August 13, 2006, 09:47:55 AM »

Why would anyone want to limit themselves to one ball mfg.?  I'm one that uses anything that will get the job done.

IMO, the only folks that should limit themselves to one line of balls are pro's that get paid to do so.

