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Author Topic: Titan SE  (Read 1268 times)


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Titan SE
« on: December 14, 2005, 01:35:46 PM »
Ok, had my Titan SE for a while but haven't really thrown it much.  Starte league on base last night, and was struggling with everything I was used to throwing, ended the first game having tried at least four balls and several lines, shot 159. Finally moved deep inside and pulled the Titan SE out in the fifth frame of game two! Standing far left dot, shooting around 15 out to about 12-10.  Took it off the sheet for 242. Stayed there for 3rd game, and a rocking 4 pin that refused to fall in the 5th frame cost me a 300! Shot 279.

Took it out in town tonight and started almost same spot, only moved my feet two boards right.  Shot 266 (lost the ball on the downswing in the 4th, left a 2-8, chopped 2 off of 8), then 258, then 222.  

So, last five games, all with Titan SE - Ave 253!  I guess I now have a new GO-TO ball!  Love this thing. Gonna have to order another one!

By the way, see my profile for my PAP and such, but the ball came with a 2" pin, about 2 1/2 oz TW.  It's drill ends up with the pin centered above the ring finger hole, and the CG stacked directly below the ring finger.  She goes long then turns hard into the pocket.  Seems very forgiving on that line, at least for me.  Gave me lots of area. Everyone tonight was saying I had about 3 boards of it at the target, and they all had arrows on them.  BS, I WAS adjusting my break point, but I was pretty dead-on the 3rd arrow all night!

Go AMF!  Got lots of guys here starting to talk about AMF.  And since I'm presently the only one in town throwing AMF . . .

Semper Fi! AMForce Rocks!