I've had this bal for about 8 months. Had excellent results with the ball initally in both oil and dry lanes. I drop the ball about the 5 board and 3/4 down the lane the ball would jump into the pocket hitting hard. The ball was very consistant and in the three months I used the ball I raised my average from 187 to 190.
Strangely, after that period the ball did nothing. No matter where I threw it, I couldn't predict a line. Sometimes it would go straight as an arrow, I'd adjust and it would break on me. Got so discusted I put the ball away.
Two week ago, I got the bright idea that it might be oil soaked.Although I was constsntly cleaning the ball while using it with cleaners bought from the Pro shops, I still felt oil saturation was the problem. I used some of my wife's cleaning liguid (SIMPLE GREEN) with some water and a nail brush. Dried the ball good and took it down for league play.
I was totally shocked when the ball reacted as it did when new. Like the ball .. don't know how often I'll have to go through the cleaning process, but for right now the BALL HITS LIKE A TON OF BRICKS !! Try the SIMPLE GREEN .. it can't hurt and it might HELP.