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Author Topic: Blue Fire  (Read 10024 times)


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Blue Fire
« on: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM »
Ball NPS Score: Not Available has the largest selection of bowling balls
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Color: Blue

Factory Finish: Polished



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Re: Blue Fire
« Reply #1 on: April 22, 2002, 12:18:59 AM »
AZO's Blue Fire will Burn your Competition!

If you have not experience an AZO bowling ball yet?
You are missing out on some of the best bowling balls on the
market by a "Small Ball Company".

At Our Proshop, we have carried and promoted AZO for two seasons
now! and we have devloped a loyal following of AZO customers.

The Blue Fire, is one of the most versatile balls on the market!

It features a Strong Cover stock, Highly Reactive/Particle Blend. It comes
1500 grit polished out of the box, but is fully adjustable to match-up with a
wide range of lane conditions!

The weight block design comes from the Optimum Design, Reverse Hour Glass
using "Dense Core" technology!

This ball is smooth and strong! (20+) on the hook scale, we find this one works best on medium to light oil lane conditions!

You can use any 2-piece ball drilling pattern you desire, but we found that
with this weight block design, just a simple 2:00pin label drill gives this
ball all the hook and power you will need.

This is not a Skid/Snap ball! But if you want a predictable strong hook ball?
The AZO Blue Fire is for you!

Crankers and those of you with strong releases will really love this one!
We have more than a bunch of theses balls on the lanes and everyone, is
enjoying this one!

We highly recommend this ball to all bowlers and to our customers!


Mark French

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Re: Blue Fire
« Reply #2 on: April 01, 2003, 01:44:26 AM »
With the right layout, this ball is hands down a BEAST. It hooked on pretty much every condition I threw it on. I found much success in shifting the pin to the center of my grip with the pin kicked out by the thumb.
All I can say is the ball was a truck. However, you have to keep the cover relatively shiny for best results. Out of 10, with 10 being best, this ball gets a solid 9.


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Re: Blue Fire
« Reply #3 on: July 09, 2003, 03:48:32 PM »
My Blue Fire is 16# with 2-3" pin out drilled 1:30 label.

This ball comes in a matte finish, and has a low particle loading.  I prefer to leave the Blue Fire dull, because I have a few other balls that I can use for medium to lighter oil patterns.  Despite it having a particle coverstock, this ball gets through the heads like a polished ball, and has a huge backend like a pearl ball.  

My test patterns were freshly oiled house shot, and medium oil with heavy carrydown.  The first shot was on a wood house and the second was a synthetic.  On the wood I stood on 20 throwing out to 15 at the arrows to 10 at the break.  The ball glided through the oil with ease, revving up in the back of the midlane and turned the corner hard.  It was also possible to shoot straighter up with less revs and more roll.  On the synthetic I had to play straight up 8 with a reduction in speed to compensate for the carrydown.  The ball still made a strong move once it hit some dry with little energy loss, pounding the pins on impact.

The hit and carry are as good as any other AZO ball I've thrown, with tremendous power continuing down the lane.  

Overall a very good ball for first shift any where patterns.

Pin_Krusher, formerly Divine Dragon.....a.k.a...The Littleboy with a neutron bomb

Drastically inflicting pin punishing destruction, and doing it with...................well a Drastic!!
<b>The original Pin Krusher</b>


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Re: Blue Fire
« Reply #4 on: July 10, 2003, 02:20:44 PM »
I have to say this ball wasnt what I needed in my bag but I will not give it a bad review. I had the ball drilled straight up just like everyhting else I have...I shot a 299 with it but thats about it. When throwing this ball with a dull surface it rolled out alot for me and left alot of flat tens... but once i polished it up I found that this ball became a monster but still I left alot of ten pins I dont have too much hand and thats y I think this ball didnt work as well for me. Mench and Big Schilling carry anything and everything with this ball becuz of the amount of hand they put on thhe ball...But I think this ball would be great for anybody with a good amount of hand if someone wants an AZO with a lil less hand than a cranker I would have to recommend the AZO Ultima Pro black with an orange label..
TY Stockle