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Author Topic: Fantasy X Particle  (Read 12536 times)


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Fantasy X Particle
« on: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM »
Ball NPS Score: Not Available has the largest selection of bowling balls
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Coverstock Type Carbon Particle
Hook Potential  
Box Finish Polished
Particle Load Medium
RG 2.769
DRG .062
Ave Flare Potential 6.5"
Hardness 75-78
Color Red/Gold Pearl

Core is the same as the Action Carbide ball. Coverstock is polished to delay the hook starting point and create a more distinct hooking start point.


BuddiesProShopcom - Bill

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Re: Fantasy X Particle
« Reply #1 on: October 14, 2003, 08:32:09 PM »
I laided this ball out the same as my other two AZO balls (Red Fire, Fanasty X Pearl) with the pin under my ringer finger and the CG about 1 1/4" from my grip line.

The Super Carbon was the strongest of the 3 balls, and handled more oil than the others. I was able to back out of the ball and play on a much drier lane condition with it.

The Super Carbon would get through the fronts clean and give me a midlane read with a smooth transition to the pocket. This ball has the same hard-hitting power of all the AZO equipment.

I used this, along with the Red Fire in a tournament, and found that the Super Carbon had a similiar reaction. The Red Fire and Super Carbon were both clean through the front of the lane with the Super Carbon hooking more through the entire lane.

If you have any questions, please email me.

"The Place All Bowlers Shop"
"The Place All Bowlers Shop"


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Re: Fantasy X Particle
« Reply #2 on: November 13, 2003, 03:21:13 PM »

I have been a 220 plus average bowler for over 15 years now and have never used a particle ball with the consistency and hitting power of the AZO Tactics Particle. This ball literally drives through the pins with little or no deflection. The sound it creates when hitting the pins is awesome. Everyone comes up to me to see what ball I am throwing when they see the pins getting hit. I am one of the better bowlers around this area with 20 plus 800’s to my credit including 1996-97 season state high score of 877 for California and a triplicate 279 for 837 which at the time was one of the highest triplicates ever thrown. I also have numerous 300 games and have owned a pro shop previously. So when I say this ball hits like no other I mean it!!!

My first 3 sets were 720+ each and my confidence is sky high right now. Because of this ball I am able to manage my other balls much better because I finally had something that didn’t over-react on the floor that I can compare them to.

Ball is drilled with the PIN is at 1:30 with CG 3/4" right of vertical centerline. Weights are 1/2 Finger 1/2 side  PIN was 2 7/8" out.

AZO has set a new standard with this ball!!!!  Get one as soon as you can.


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Re: Fantasy X Particle
« Reply #3 on: January 12, 2004, 04:30:40 PM »
Super Carbon is 15lbs drilled 5X4 with pin 1" over my middle finger and CG just right of grip line (4" pin).  I chose this length drilling even with the ball's high RG as we tend to have long dry back-ends at my home house.

I have now used this ball enough now that I feel real comfortable with throwing it in pressure situations.  Man, what a ball!  You can do so much with this ball that I think everyone could benefit from using it.  

I could play almost anywhere on my home lanes (in Denmark - definitely NOT a THS) which are oiled 32ft buffed to 38ft with 35ml oil layed out flat across the lane.  With this shortish oil pattern and my tweener style (lots o' fingers at 16mph) I needed a ball that would clear the heads before it started to rev up or I would experience early reaction.  Well the Super C did just that!  It would glide easily past the arrows and then begin to rev op and read the lane before making a strong move to the pocket with lots of energy for taking the 10 pin out (RH) due to its high RG.

It was during our last weekly training session that I decided to try different releases to see what I got out of the ball.  I could play stand 15 hit 8 out to 4-5 with almost a back-up release and the ball would go long, begin to rev and due to the high flare it possess make the turn to the pocket where I received excellent carry.  Very few 10 pins.  I made my way left (even though the lanes hadn't dryed up too much) and just stayed behind the ball and gave it a bit more fingers and the results were the same.  Finally I tried stand 35 hit 20 and out to 8-10 (more fingers and axis rotation) and the ball would always make it back to the pocket WITH great carry! Very versatile ball for almost any style.

The ball was left in box condition (polished particle) with some of Doc's elixir on last.  The ball just saves so much energy up for the back-end because of the high RG that if you are near the pocket (a little high/light) you'll generally get good carry.  With our long back-ends I had been previously using low RG balls and not getting the carry due to the balls using all their energy up before they hit the pins.

I can't wait to use it on some of our travelling league's other houses (guardian heads with old wood back-ends) that usually burn up early and fast!

Please email me if you have any questions.


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Re: Fantasy X Particle
« Reply #4 on: January 25, 2004, 01:11:11 AM »
Ball drilled 4 x 4(no x hole) semi roller track, PAP 5 over 1/2 up.
 Strange ball, skids like hell on oil, trys to burnup on dry.
Tried different surface preps.  Looks to be a great ball, high polished, look for dry somewhere.


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Re: Fantasy X Particle
« Reply #5 on: March 01, 2004, 02:07:41 AM »
Ball is drilled 4" pin/pap with a 45 degree layout.  "Which placed the pin under ring finger and just left of center of the ring finger. CG is below 1 1/18" of horizontal and to the right of vertical 1 3/4")  With an X hole.  Coverstock as bought.
On my synthetic lanes, short oil pattern applied on a late shift.  This drilling proved very long with this ball.  A 0 degree axis tilt, definitely straight ball city with a small last effort roll.  Release with a 90 degree tilt, the action was in the last 10 to 15 feet if swinging out across the lanes.  Going up the middle oil with the 90 tilt, the ball would just flip and roll just before the pin deck.  It looks like I will be dulling this ball up.  For being a particle ball, this baby is controllable and skids alot with this drilling and surface condition.


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Re: Fantasy X Particle
« Reply #6 on: August 08, 2004, 03:23:25 AM »
At first I wanted to give the ball away after only a few games with it. At the center I usually bowl at in order for me to get the ball to move at all, I had to slow down my ball speed alot and I had to play up the boards. Then this Thursday, I was asked to sub, not expecting much out of the ball, to my suprise this thing came to LIFE! The shot was TOAST!! and I mean Toast...while others in the house used their weakest equipment...I decided to try this. All I can say was DAMN! I stood 20 w/ my feet and looked 15 on the right land and 10 on the left....I could not miss...I ended up shooting 214, 258, and 279 for a pretty good 751 and on a tought shot mind you. All in all Great ball...even though I expected to use the ball for heavier oil patterns it still worked out fine.

Jesse James

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Re: Fantasy X Particle
« Reply #7 on: April 05, 2007, 06:08:04 PM »
At first I wanted to give this ball away, cause it wouldn't move, and I couldn't find a condition to use it on. (wow this sounds eerily familiar)Anyway this ball was brand new. Had only been used three times, but had passed thru three other bowler's hands already, who hated it. Anyway,subbed in a tuff league where conditions can be toasty. (I had taken the factory polish off)
Ball was drilled 4X4, pin next to the ring finger. This ball offered up great control, and outstanding hit and carry. Who knew?

The ball came alive. Most everyone else was using pearls. I shoot 243-264-213 for the nite. Extremely surprising hit and finish, for a ball that had fallen to the back of da rack! I had only used it once before with little success. This ball obviously on the right conditions is a beast. RIGHT ON AZO! Long live LANEMASTERS!!! Ya just gotta know your equipment.

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Some days you're the bug....some days you're the windshield...that's bowling!