SPECS:35X4 1/2X35, OOB finish
PBA SHARK @SABRE LANES: Well worn wood lanes, Pro was almost too much for the pattern and the house. Played 20 out to 15 and the ball was trying to roll up at about 35 feet, I felt like being stupid so I fought it for three games then bumped left more finally ended up going 27 out to around 13 or 14 at the break point that got the ball to the BP smooth without the Pro T struggling to make it. Once I lined properly it was great carried everything finished with two good games but didn't make the cut

HIT/CARRY: different from the Pures this ball keeps pins down more, not quite as many messengers this probably comes from the ball rolling much earlier and smoother than the Pures. Carry overall is very good as long as you get enough oil in the front of the lane to get the ball down the lane smooth the pins will fall if I fight with it trying to play to shallow carry goes bad cause the ball burns to much juice to fast.
COMPARISON: To Pure Tactics 1 drilled the same with 1000 abralon finish. Pro T was about 4-5 feet sooner and was much smoother than Pure T. Compliment Each other great though you can go from one to other with very little thought.
OVERALL: Great oiler! This ball picks up in the midlane alot better than some of the Solid Reactives I have had in the past. The pearl gives that little extra push off the BP which is really nice. This ball tossed the Ntense LevRG out of my bag after the first use. Great job AZO I can't wait until the new stuff is availible, cause IMO this company is making the best gear around!

''''If their is a life after death,
then their is no death,
and if their is no death,
we do not live''''
Progressive Metal Band