Thanks Tizzle, I love the ball. Laid mine out pretty much like the video for buddies and man it rolls really well, predictable, and did some unreal recovery tonite. I actually got tired of "man that was a real area check that time!" every time i made a bad shot! haha
for storm users, its definitely a different ball motion, similar to the invasion, but better, and i love the invasion. it seemed to rev up a better than the invasion as well, the skid, hook, roll was really consistent and apparent for this ball. It really sucks that my distributor doesnt carry azo, but when you have tizzle to hook you up, there is nothing to worry about.
forgot to mention went 258, 277 out of the box! not too shabby, had to switch to the most hated 4.5 for the salvaged third came 223 for 758 series..
my asenal.. on 9/14/2010 3:11 AM