drilled stacked, pin over bridge with everything in a line. OOB Surface.
Cheetah with massive carry down, I thought the Pro would be a great choice, with the carry down but it really wasnt, granted I wasnt throwing the ball my best but I had no room to miss had to be spot on. Played almost straight at the thrid arrow the last two games, and jack for reaction very little POP off the break. Not sure if it was that their wasnt quite enough juice or what but just didnt like what I seen.
Super Bowl: THS, Brunswick Anvalines, about 10 years old. fresh oil. went down to experiment last night after the disaster on that afternoon. and still wasnt very impressed. played 15 out to 10 and it barly got back had more length than the previous drill (35x4 1/2x35) but still didnt create a comfy area to place the ball in. Very flat in the pocket lefts lots of ten pins.
I am not sure if this is a product of the stength of the ball or my lack of skill lol
. I would like to try it on something with more, oil heavier volume to see if it will be better in that situation but overall it reminds me of my LevRG and my LevRG is at the bottom of a local river.
''''ALL IS DUST!''''
-Thousand Sons battle cry-
Founding Father of the BR Inquisition