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Author Topic: 3G tour ultras RH Black/Silver F/S only  (Read 8621 times)


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3G tour ultras RH Black/Silver F/S only
« on: November 21, 2011, 01:14:47 AM »
(Important Note)

The previous buyer wanted a refund (which I gave) due to him having problems with his foot coming off the backs of shoes as he slid, supposedly due wear on the back as shown in the pics.

I've never had a problem of my foot coming off when I used these shoes and just now I tried to replicate it.  No matter how much I slide, I still can't experience where I lose the shoe the as a result of my footwork.  I even tried to kick the shoe off with laces untied to see if it could fly off and still held on to my feet properly.  As we can see, everyone's feet is different and depending on your genetics, you could lose your shoe as you slide or it will stay on no matter how hard you kick it.

What I'm getting at is I'm not taking responsibility for this again and warning you all as a result.  I had no prior knowledge about this, which is understandable given I've never had such an experience, so I felt it was obligatory to issue a refund.  This time I'm giving everyone a heads up as to the condition of the shoe: it has wear and depending on your feet you could lose it as you slide or it could perfectly stay on. Anymore issues about this specific problem after purchase will be ignored.

Had these lying around and it pains me to get rid of them as they have been possibly the best piece of equipment I had for bowling.

They're in good condition except some soles and heals show wear signs of use as in the pics.  The cleated sole and the other 2 heels were hardly touched however. Lastly they are for RH's only

Comes with everything shown in the pics:
Size: 9.5

Price: 65 shipped or best offer.  For sale only as I have no need for any bowling stuff. Only accepting paypal at the moment but willing to listen.


Edited by akt22 on 11/21/2011 at 6:10 PM
« Last Edit: July 28, 2012, 06:54:08 PM by akt22 »



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Re: 3G tour ultras RH Black/Silver F/S only
« Reply #1 on: December 25, 2011, 07:34:46 PM »


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Re: 3G tour ultras RH Black/Silver F/S only
« Reply #2 on: May 22, 2012, 03:22:06 AM »
price drop.  Need to get this sold.


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Re: 3G tour ultras RH Black/Silver F/S only
« Reply #3 on: May 30, 2012, 03:43:10 AM »


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Re: 3G tour ultras RH Black/Silver F/S only
« Reply #4 on: June 08, 2012, 02:29:46 PM »
Back up again.

(Important Note)

The previous buyer wanted a refund (which I gave) due to him having problems with his foot coming off the backs of shoes as he slid, supposedly due wear on the back as shown in the pics.

I've never had a problem of my foot coming off when I used these shoes and just now I tried to replicate it.  No matter how much I slide, I still can't experience where I lose the shoe the as a result of my footwork.  I even tried to kick the shoe off with laces untied to see if it could fly off and still held on to my feet properly.  As we can see, everyone's feet is different and depending on your genetics, you could lose your shoe as you slide or it will stay on no matter how hard you kick it.

What I'm getting at is I'm not taking responsibility for this again and warning you all as a result.  I had no prior knowledge about this, which is understandable given I've never had such an experience, so I felt it was obligatory to issue a refund.  This time I'm giving everyone a heads up as to the condition of the shoe: it has wear and depending on your feet you could lose it as you slide or it could perfectly stay on. Anymore issues about this specific problem after purchase will be ignored.


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Re: 3G tour ultras RH Black/Silver F/S only
« Reply #5 on: June 12, 2012, 02:09:10 PM »

lmk what you think


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Re: 3G tour ultras RH Black/Silver F/S only
« Reply #6 on: June 14, 2012, 04:14:44 AM »
curious question as i also have the black pair of these shoes, before i owned these i owned a pair of sst8's.. long story short i do not slide at all and im a right handed bowler. On the sst8's i had the put the all rubber sole on the left side where i slid and used the white rubber sole as my push off.. my question to you is do they make any soles for this exact shoe that are like the rubber one on the push off foot?


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Re: 3G tour ultras RH Black/Silver F/S only
« Reply #7 on: June 22, 2012, 11:27:52 PM »
sorry for the late reply but I'm not to familiar with how these shoes are manufactured.  All I know is that the slide foot is interchangeable in the push off shoe is pretty much as it is.


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Re: 3G tour ultras RH Black/Silver F/S only
« Reply #8 on: July 28, 2012, 06:54:40 PM »
price drop.

Let's get this sold people.


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Re: 3G tour ultras RH Black/Silver F/S only
« Reply #9 on: July 29, 2012, 09:05:14 AM »

can you send me a picture (or post)of the bottom of the shoe to show wear


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Re: 3G tour ultras RH Black/Silver F/S only
« Reply #10 on: July 29, 2012, 11:52:23 AM »
I was the previous buyer for these shoes. The problem with these shoes is very obvious. The person who wore them never tied or untied them when taking them off or putting them on. You can tell this by how the heel of both shoes are completely broken down and really have no shape any more. It's as if the material in the heel has rolled down so many times that it has completely collapsed. I don't see how it could help hold anybody's heel in these shoes. The wearer of these shoes has no body to blame except themselves. Buyer beware.


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Re: 3G tour ultras RH Black/Silver F/S only
« Reply #11 on: July 30, 2012, 10:54:07 PM »
I was the previous buyer for these shoes. The problem with these shoes is very obvious. The person who wore them never tied or untied them when taking them off or putting them on. You can tell this by how the heel of both shoes are completely broken down and really have no shape any more. It's as if the material in the heel has rolled down so many times that it has completely collapsed. I don't see how it could help hold anybody's heel in these shoes. The wearer of these shoes has no body to blame except themselves. Buyer beware.

For such broken down shoes with flattened material, they sure can hold on to my feet while I'm trying to force them out despite your claims:

When I'm embarrassingly executing stupid martial arts kicks without the the shoe laces tied and they still don't fall off or go flying, there not going to fall off from a  bowling slide with shoe laces on, which is why I didn't bother to mention such a problem.  There's nothing I can do about a situation I don't experience.

If there's any blame right now, it's you trying to muck up my thread and good name with your logic.   You claim that the shoes slip off when you slide while you had them, yet I'm doing stupid kung-fu without shoe laces and they don't even leave my feet; it's obvious to anyone what's the problem: our feet our physically different.  As a result, there's going to be certain tolerances despite us using the same shoe size (if true).  It's one of the reason's why the bst in any place exists in the first place; but just because it doesn't fit one person doesn't mean it will fit everyone else.

Buyer Beware?  Please. First of all, if your dealing with any bst on the internet, you should automatically assume such a scenario.  Second, if I truly wanted to screw my buyers, I wouldn't give anyone a heads up before YOU came back to my thread and did so.  There's a reason I put that huge paragraph in the first post; not only due to the problem but because I wanted to make sure people would feel confident with the purchase.  I want them to ask questions because there's only so much I can do with a shoe I don't have problems with as both my testimonials and video indicate (I wouldn't sell my shoes if I was going to return to bowling anytime soon). 

Again, considering I've treated you with respect by not only sending you a vid of the shoes going into the mail, but also accepting a refund as soon as you requested it,  I would appreciate it if you don't butt in on my thread and sway my buyers, as I am more than capable of showing them what they need to know.  You don't need to tell others if the wear is bad when a picture is worth a thousand words.


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Re: 3G tour ultras RH Black/Silver F/S only
« Reply #12 on: July 31, 2012, 10:41:26 AM »
 "Thou doth protest too much."


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Re: 3G tour ultras RH Black/Silver F/S only
« Reply #13 on: July 31, 2012, 11:34:13 AM »
if you say so, scout
« Last Edit: July 31, 2012, 11:37:09 AM by akt22 »


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Re: 3G tour ultras RH Black/Silver F/S only
« Reply #14 on: July 31, 2012, 06:46:20 PM »
More like U S Marine.