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Author Topic: Ball Rejuvenator  (Read 3881 times)


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Ball Rejuvenator
« on: March 10, 2013, 03:01:04 PM »
May I unashamedy recommend a new ball rejuvenator invented by a bowling friend. It's a ball oven called the NuBall. I have one and have been trying it for the past 2 weeks. It extracts oil from balls via heat applied with a fan to circulate the heat via a thermostat (ranging from 95 to 155 degrees).

Please check out the information on their website:
the product can be purchased through Amazon via

Please be aware that the price listed currently ($169.95 +$20 shipping) will soon be raised, as it is a very low introductory price.
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Re: Ball Rejuvenator
« Reply #1 on: March 14, 2013, 11:45:03 AM »
Ordered one yesterday. Will review once it arrives.


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Re: Ball Rejuvenator
« Reply #2 on: March 14, 2013, 06:14:21 PM »
I bought one and it arrived yesterday. First let me say that it works as advertised. I put a ball in it, set the temp to 135 degrees and left it running while I was bowling league. I got home about 4 hours later and could tell it had done exactly what it should have. For the $189.95 shipped the functionality is without question.

However, I can't see paying any more than the current price for this. It is pretty flimsy and cheaply made(not saying that's all bad, as it does make it affordable to non-commercial users). The bottom of mine was a bear to attach correctly, and once attached, it comes off way to easy. I would not expect to be able to pick the unit up with a ball inside, but I should be able to pick it up empty without the bottom falling off. I was also surprised that it doesn't actually have an on/off switch. Just a knob to set the temperature. Once you plug it in, it is running.

Having voiced my criticism of the shortcoming of the product, I would still pay the $189.95 for it as it works great.
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Re: Ball Rejuvenator
« Reply #3 on: March 21, 2013, 08:51:05 AM »
I agree with milorafferty. For the price it's a good buy. It's made out of plastic, but that does keep the cost done. I've put two balls in it and I'll use them tonight.


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Re: Ball Rejuvenator
« Reply #4 on: March 21, 2013, 08:51:45 AM »
Also just noticed the price jumped to $279. Glad I got it when I did