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Author Topic: Tour ultras vs SST8's  (Read 1251 times)


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Tour ultras vs SST8's
« on: June 18, 2008, 07:42:38 AM »
That’s basically what it comes down to.  After speaking with someone at 900global, I decided against the sport ultras.  

So….what would u guys do, SST8’s, or tour ultras.

I know most will say the tour ultras will be more comfortable, but ive never worn the 3g’s at all, ive worn dexter for years.

Here is my main dilemma, I only really like 1 dexter heel, it’s the h4 heel I believe, they quit making it.  It’s the flat normal heel, but with grooves in it.  Anyway, my problem is that todays shoes don’t have the same angle as shoes in the past, so the older heels don’t really feel right on newer shoes for at least 20 games, when the corner of the heel wears down.  The 3g’s have a flat grooved heel, but I don’t know how it compares to the old dexter grooved heel.

OMG im rambling again, someone help me with my decision.




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Re: Tour ultras vs SST8's
« Reply #1 on: June 18, 2008, 07:20:21 PM »
i too wore only dexters for years-------sst 4's, 5's, 6's, and 6 lx's. i slid very well in the 4's and 5's but could never really get matched up with the 6's. then i had a customer service issue with them that could have been handled rather easily but was botched big-time. i tried the dynorooz sport elite cabretta's and liked them so well i bought two pair of them. then i bought a pair of 3G tour ultra's. best bowling shoes i've ever owned----by a very wide margin. great comfort and fit, top quality construction, and multiple slide options. in my opinion the grooved rubber heel you mention is about the same from a sliding standpoint.