I put off trying Etonics for a long time because of the lack of an interchangeable heel. I could never get the right slide combo or feel though with any of the other shoes So I took a chance and tried Etonic.. I tried the stabilite plus and didn't like them because they were just too big and clunky.. I tried a pair of the ESS interchangeables and loved the fit and feel. To my surprise the heel on the shoes perfectly fits my slide. I have bowled at numerous different houses and somehow I have never had a problem with my heel being too slick or too sticky. I just change the slide sole and it seems to work.
18 mph,350 rpm,PAP 5 1/2 x 3/8up, 10-13 deg axis tilt, varied rotational axis deg.. usually 45+
HighGame 300 x 5, High Series 808
Book Average 220,PBA Xperience 193