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Author Topic: Can shoes help improve balance at the line?  (Read 1902 times)


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Can shoes help improve balance at the line?
« on: September 09, 2006, 08:37:39 AM »
I have a pair of SST 5's and they have been fine.  I have a fairly long slide and use the H7 heel and either S10 or S8 soles depending on the approach.  They state the SST6's and 7's have a larger and wider sole to help improve stability.  Im not sure how other brands stack up to that.

My question is does the increased surface really help with balance at the line?  I know nothing is better than practice and technique, but any little bit helps and as grace and balance isnt exactly my strongest features, I do mean any little bit can help  Im also curious of any advantages of the SST7's over the 6's, ive read some people have had issues with the toes of the 7's but also prefer the heel on them.





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Re: Can shoes help improve balance at the line?
« Reply #1 on: September 09, 2006, 05:36:47 PM »
I have no issues whatsoever with the toes(SST 7). Dexter redesigned the toe, curved it up slightly and moved the sole forward. I haven't stuck once.
06-07 Season: The Redemption.

Edited on 9/9/2006 5:30 PM


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Re: Can shoes help improve balance at the line?
« Reply #2 on: September 09, 2006, 06:29:12 PM »
I am in the same boat your are in as far as sliding goes.  Whenever I bowl I am using the slide pads that get me the most slide. I had the 2 pairs of SST 5's (Burgandy/Gold and Black/Orange) and a pair of SST 6's (Black/Green/Peacock).  I felt that I was balanced alot better at the line with 6's over the 5's.  Just didn't like how they held up. Went through all 3 pairs in a 4 year time frame though because they didn't hold up well for me.  I would also recommend the Dynothane Shoes. I have the Sport Deluxes which are the bottom of the line Dynothanes that allow you to change the heels and pads and they have been excellent.  Also the durability on them have far exceed my expectations
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