I am in the same boat your are in as far as sliding goes. Whenever I bowl I am using the slide pads that get me the most slide. I had the 2 pairs of SST 5's (Burgandy/Gold and Black/Orange) and a pair of SST 6's (Black/Green/Peacock). I felt that I was balanced alot better at the line with 6's over the 5's. Just didn't like how they held up. Went through all 3 pairs in a 4 year time frame though because they didn't hold up well for me. I would also recommend the Dynothane Shoes. I have the Sport Deluxes which are the bottom of the line Dynothanes that allow you to change the heels and pads and they have been excellent. Also the durability on them have far exceed my expectations
Arsenal includes:
Rule GP2, Rule Delta 1, Slash, Heat, Desert Heat, Boxing Glove