I purchased a Columbia Freeze, drilled it Pin under bridge & Cg swung 45 degrees, used it OOB 4000 w/polish and it sucked, it got 45 feet and screamed left off the dry and was over/under with carry down, the next day I used the PYB system, sanded the Freeze down to 2000 and re-applied Factory finish as I was instructed by Columbia, slightly better results but the same hit or miss reaction, so 3 days later, before my Friday night money league, I took the Freeze down to 2000 and back up to 4000 no polish with the PYB (Polish your ball) system and the reaction I wanted came alive, I bowled a low 700 wich was high on the pair and did not spend a dime at the pro shop using a spinner.
Props to Afflac for dumping Gilbert!