FWIW, (this is my opinion only)
Motiv's Gel Clean is pretty good for a bowling ball-specific cleaner permitted to be used
during bowling. Remedy, Knock-out, Zapp-it, Liquid Nitro and Black Magic Rejuvenator are all very good "during bowling" cleaners. Much better than any isopropyl alcohol.
That said, they cannot compare to the power of the cleaners permitted before or after bowling. I'm talking about Hook-It, Clean and Dull and Lanemasters cleaner. These will remove type of dirt that the water-based" permitted during bowling" cleaners cannot handle. Personally, I have not yet added Adrenaline Wipes into this category or power cleaners. (Adrenaline wipes are permitted to be used during bowling, but, note, they are not specifically marketed as a cleaner.)
"None are so blind as those who will not see."