This Bowlers product is great! It definitely helps getting the feel of a tight thumb hole. I use (meant used - [corrected as per critique] in down thread post) it as a training device.
The bowling product helps in keeping the thumb in the proper position. A straight thumb with no thumb crimping.
I did however, find them rather problematic in humid conditions or during the heat of the summer. I suppose as an adjustment one might use chap stick or lip balm on the back of the thumb, or a cooling agent of some sort to counteract such heat related problems. (never went that far with it - just re drilled smaller thumb hole urethane slug and tailored the back of thumb hole to my specific knuckle with a workout tool -thus I'm not currently using the product - I STILL SPEAK HIGHLY OF THE PRODUCT - and of Ron Clifton!)
Bottom line, the product allowed me to SEE the merits of a tighter snug thumb hole, ie, relaxing my grip, recognition of the perfect release, and free arm swing.
IMHO, all elite or scratch bowlers should strive for a tighter snug thumb hole in an effort to keep the speed up, and have a crisp fresh release.
The Magic Carpet is a GREAT Product!
-------------------- Recognizing, Sharing; Learning - One Frame at a Time; Saving "Bowling as a Sport"Edited on 9/20/2007 3:32 PM