C'mon people. If cleaning the ball after every frame REALLY provided you some small advantage, and actually improved your pinfall, don't you think you would've seen the PBA guys doing this?
Its how they make their living. If cleaning the ball every frame really made that much difference, doing so would/could be worth thousands of dollars out there, but you still don't see it. If it worked, you would.
Cleaning a ball helps it last, but cleaning it every frame isn't necessary. Get a good microfiber towel, or pad, and wipe off any excess oil between frames. Clean it after every game or three, deep clean it every 15-20 games, and oil extract/resurface every 50-75 games. Doing this will make a ball last way past the point where most of us will have traded it for it for something else.
I've still got an original V2 with hundreds of games on it that I use occasionally, and it hasn't died on me yet.